Come along for an Adventure

Welcome to my gaming notes!

This is a collection of all my table top RPG notes and campaign notes from 2017 and forward. I decided to make this open to share my collection of thoughts and notes on different games and to make sessions information available to players.


Here are all of my notes on various tabletop game systems I run and play in.

Game Mastering

Here are notes on how I GM.

My Campaigns

In here are campaign and session notes from all of my games. This section is primarily for other players in my games, but feel free to read out stories!

Player Campaigns

I take notes for games I am player in too!

Idea Pile

This is where I work on ideas for upcoming campaigns or sessions. So beware spoilers

Subsections of Come along for an Adventure

Subsections of Games

Powered by the Apocalypse

  • Powered by the Apocalypse, by which we mean Agency and Consent.
  • Powered by the Apocalypse, by which we mean influenced by and pays homage to Apocalypse World.
  • Not necessarily Powered by the Apocalypse, by which we mean 2d6 and playbooks and moves. However, that is a thing.

D&D and Fate are power fantasy games. Their mechanics often focus on if you can do something or not. Powered by the Apocalypse is not a power fantasy game; there is a lot of mess. There isn’t even a crit system.

PbtA’s moves are narrative-focused, not mechanic-focused.

PbtA’s mechanics are less focused on how you accomplish something and more about narrative control. In most PbtA games, emotional stakes are the central focus of the moves over mechanical aspects, where it is usually assumed you more or less can do anything.

PbtA is the best system so far at telling stories about being in the messy middle. You will mostly have mixed beat rolls, where a player succeeds with consequences. Monsterhearts recommends keeping the story feral, and this fits many games, letting the story’s messy, chaotic momentum guide it forward. At any given moment, focus on reacting to the other players. Allow others to foil your plans or improve upon them. Trust that a good story emerges from wildness. Play to find out what happens next. Let yourself be surprised.

Conversely, D&D (and similar games) creates the expectation that you might die if you prepare the wrong spells, don’t buy the correct item, or don’t do a perception check on the door. If you are not fully prepared and do not have a capital p Plan, you will be punished.

PbtA generally doesn’t do that; character optimization and advanced planning are less of a thing. You are not punished for lack of forethought, enabling you to explore haphazardly and messily with relative (physical) safety.

Before you play, spend a lot of time clarifying what the game is and offers and getting the player’s explicit buy-in. Some players are surprised it’s not D&D, does not offer combat as an easy/standard solution, or is not on rails.

Keep in mind there is no comprehensive way to run ALL PbtA games since the games vary so much. For instance, Apocalypse World and Monsterhearts are designed for PvP, and the role of the gm is to keep the escalation snowball going and gently guide it, but it can be much more hands-off.

Compare Apocalypse World’s guidance that NPCs are expendable with Thirsty Sword Lesbians’ safety measures helping NPCs feel like people, not playthings.

There are not a lot of moves because you want players to be more or less able to keep them in their heads. There shouldn’t be vague moves that double dip. If there isn’t a move for something, it’s not significant behavior to the system.

A lot of PbtA it’s about making a story with the players, not building a world and story around them

The Players Telling the Game

  • PbtA is about being a lazy GM.
  • 1.5h prep time per session at worst/best.
  • Most PbtA settings are about a page.
  • Don’t even set the world too much; let this build out as the game goes.
  • Most of the narrative comes from the players; the GM reacts to what they create.

Always leave space for players to come up with content. Never resist; lean into whatever gets added.

The majority of disaster PbtA games come from when you prepared too much or were too attached to what ideas you had. Don’t fight the ‘yes,’ always go with them.

The maximum tier of players telling the game is when players ask you questions, tell them you don’t know, and ask them what they think.

Let the players wholly and fundamentally change the world with narrative. Be willing to change the laws of physics.

Set up stakes: not solutions, win conditions or endgames. Solutions should always come from the player.

GM Prep

When setting up your tabletop. Toss some evocative images in scene pages that match the story. Don’t use a map otherwise too restrictive. Keep it accessible for the narrative, or you will box yourself in.

Writing up a One Shot

Give them a goal that can be achieved in a one-shot, a threat, a toxic power that can be struck down. Surround them with sexy villains and a sexy ally or two.

Don’t develop a plot; come up with a situation instead. Put some pressure on the PCs so that they have to do something, but don’t even think about what that thing will be.

In one-shots, you shouldn’t aim for a satisfying finale but an exciting cliffhanger because you can find those cliffhangers more naturally. Rushing to get to the ending can easily become way too forced.

Writing up a Campaign

Stephanie’s Mini Campaign Setup: 4 sessions; one session zero and three games. Then take a break. Let people hop about at this point and swap out parts of the game.

Flow & Pacing

Set up the scene with two to three hooks and let them run around. Let the players chew the scenery. Let them fish about and screw about as much as possible until they find something.

If only one person and the GM are in a scene, try and grab in more players and ask how they might be involved in this.

For a cinematic feel of tension and giving a player time on a pick move, cut away after a roll happens, but before you resolve it, to somebody else.

With a one-shot: Spend the first hour of gameplay setting up one big thing to chase. For the next two to three hours, let them deal with it however they see fit. The first quarter of any game is building the world with the players.


When you want to keep players moving forward, your most powerful move is a clock. Go so far as putting a clock on the screen with it filling up as time passes or players hit down beats if you want to drive a feeling of pressure, stress, or drama.

Otherwise, these can be ‘fronts’ that apply pressure by applying a series of impending threats. You can have multiple fronts/clocks with their progress towards impending actions.

For an ongoing campaign, have three or four impending actions that will happen if the characters stay in bed. Do not drive them towards specific goals but make inaction have consequences. Make them increasingly more significant levels of peril, and the antag will do worse and worse. Pre-define these to help yourself out if you need them.

Example Front

The Winter Court

In increasingly greater levels of peril, the Winter Court (Through Ventus) will attempt to:

  • Persuade Dyarrys to call off the wedding
  • Seduce Nevero to attempt to halt the wedding
  • Disrupt the wedding day
  • Curse the marriage at the reception
  • Abduct Xihtero to the Winter court

Should all these come to pass, I suppose rescuing Xithero would be kind of the next step, huh?

These impending actions are GM moves you can use in a pinch.

If characters don’t engage with fronts, drop them. Set up other ones that tickle the players.

Rolls and Moves

  • The GM should never roll.
  • Players should only roll when there are exciting and possibly messy results to come from it.
  • If the outcome of the move doesn’t drive the story, then don’t have a move. If you don’t have a move for what the player tries to do, then let it go. Make it a yes.

Keep in mind the trigger for any move is in the move. It tells you what happens on a mixed beat or up beat.

During an up beat the GM doesn’t need to worry; the player has all the narrative control.

Mathematically most rolls should be mixed beats. Be prepared for a lot of them. A mixed beat is a success with complications, and the game emphasizes the messy complications that happen most of the time we do things. Try to ask the players about the consequences of their mixed successes and bonus points for doing this before the roll.

On a down beat, there are no move instructions to describe what happens. This is because you grab from the GM moves/reactions.

Don’t make a downbeat a failure or a nothing happens; that stops play. Make it a mistake or a success they wish they hadn’t had. Turning the move back on them is also a common way of looking at how to handle a down beat. Practice having things fail it forward when they get a down beat.


PbtA disincentivizes combat in its DNA as a system. It is built around the concept that combat is messy and everybody involved gets hurt. Nobody comes back undamaged both physically and mentally from actual combat or in PbtA. It’s messy, extra messy.

All actions have consequences, unlike in other games. Most things will have consequences, and few moves are pure win at their base.

Ask what characters are willing to sacrifice; ask if what they want to do is worth something important if they get stuck or you want to push drama up.

Keep your eyes on what is at stake to the character.

  • physical
  • emotional
  • material stakes
  • reputation
  • Go far, their concept, their name, anything on the character sheet.


When bringing in an NPC, jot down their core motivation, and make sure it fits against what you want to happen next in the story. Mesh it against your player’s core motivations.

Add a layer of something fascinating to everybody.


To do it, do it. Try to guide your players to embrace it and move forward, not hedge their bets.

The GM is your fan; it’s not adversarial.

Brindlewood Bay

From Mortaine training class on PbtA GMing

Brindlewood Bay has a two-page scenario page. Which is about twice that of a normal Powered by the Apocalypse game one.

In Brindlewood (as well as Jinkies), there is no answer to the mystery, the players come up with it. They need to come up with something that matches the clues and roll for it.

All NPCs are Suspects and all Suspects are NPCs

Void happens when meddles and rolls really well.

For the first session or two, don’t work on your void conspiracy. One-shots will not usually jump into the void

In Roll 20 Keep a central shared clue sheet, assign a single scribe to prevent chaos

There are no secret clues, the mavens share all.

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Quick Rules

Specific Rules always beat general rules Always round everything down

The Roll

  1. roll d20
  2. add modifier
  3. apply circumstantial bonuses and penalties
  4. Compart against the target (DC or AC)

If there is an advantage or disadvantage roll 2d20 and take the highest or lowest depending

Three Pillars of Adventure

  1. Exploration
  2. Social Interaction
  3. Combat

Player Desires to Cater to

  • Acting
  • Exploring
  • Instigating
  • Fighting
  • Optimizing
  • Problem Solving
  • StoryTelling


Typical DC Checks

Difficulty DC
v.easy 5
easy 10
medium 15
hard 20
v.hard 25
fuuuuuck 30


While FATE is a power fantasy game like D&D, it is a narrative control system like Powered by the Apocalypse. Much PbtA and less like Shadowrun and D&D, there is a lack of emphasis on system mastery; the game is about the fiction, not the rules.

Remember that even though it looks like it sometimes, the FATE system is less about simulating the cause-and-effect of actions and more about spending resources to make the narrative go the way you want.

Fate requires some things from its players as much as its GM; Proactive & Competent Characters are the system’s foundation. Alongside this comes the fact that there is a Lack of Character Optimization.

Scenes in Fate games work best as a series of possible branches. They’re not challenges to be overcome.

Fate works best when the opportunity cost is shoved in the players’ faces. That’s a question that appears repeatedly in Fate— how much do you want this, and what are you willing to give up to get it? Do you spend Fate points to buy a victory, succeed at a cost, or accept Compels?

Focus on the cost of things over failures unless you are trying to redirect players.

Fate encourages three things above all else:

  1. Take risks. Get into trouble. It’s okay; you get to decide the consequences! Even if you can’t single-handedly slay the dragon, give it a go! You can get yourself out of trouble before things get terrible.
  2. Make use of the environment. When players attempt actions, aspects encourage them to consider what else in the scene can help.
  3. Let bad stuff happen to you. Embrace it. You get Fate points. I’m still not sure about this reward ratio, but there is an effort to encourage bad things.
    1. Fail forward. Tying into #3, this encourages a familiar literature arc where you advance the story early on (when you have few FP) by failing at what you set out to do, running into trouble, and then (when you have more FP) having a more dramatic success later that gets you your goal.
  4. Encourage complicated characters. Because you have a fixed number of character aspects, the game encourages you to make them dual nature and broadly interpreted, encouraging players to spend a lot of thought deciding their aspects and making them more interesting/applicable.


keep them double-edged, say more than one thing, and keep phrasing simple

Game Aspects: Don’t forget to make the setting, tone, genre, and pivotal plot points aspects.


Event & Decision Based


I often like to say that if you’ve got a Broken Leg…

  1. If that causes you to stumble at an inopportune time, that’s an invoke
  2. If that makes it so you can’t climb a ladder, that’s just narrative truth.
  3. If the thing you need is on a ladder, that’s a Compel
  4. If it makes it harder to get somewhere fast, that’s passive opposition.

Note that only the Invoke and Compel require a Fate Point.

Flow & Pacing Mechanisms, the 3 C’s

Conflicts, Contests, and Challenges

Use a Challenge when you don’t have active opposition over the entire Challenge.

If your opposition is active and indirect, choose a Contest. By indirect, I mean both sides aren’t engaged in mutual destruction.

If your opposition is active and direct, you use a Conflict. By direct, I mean that the goal of both parties is to get the other to back down in some way, either by getting knocked out and killed, surrendering, fleeing, etc.

Revised Bronze Rule, Aka Fate Fractal

It is easy to overcomplicate or create issues with the original Bronze Rule, so it was revised… twice.

In Fate, you can treat anything in the game world capable of taking action like it is a character. They can have aspects, skills/approaches, stunts, stress tracks, and consequences if needed. Everything else can have difficulty ratings, aspects, stunts, stress tracks, and consequences as needed, but only things that can take action can have skills or approaches.

When you’re applying the Bronze Rule, ask yourself two things:

  1. Is this thing capable of action against other characters, or does something else take action on its behalf?
  2. Does what I’m making need an added layer of complication by making aspects, skills, stunts, or whatever?

Before applying the Bronze rule, answer three questions about whatever narrative element you’re looking at:

  • Is it capable of its own actions?
    • Then it is an actor. It can have all that good stuff — aspects, skills/approaches, stress & consequences, etc. and take action.
  • If not capable of action, is it capable of resisting action?
    • Then it is an obstacle that can have aspects, a difficulty or set of difficulties, and possibly several victories needed to overcome it as a challenge.
  • If not capable of action, is it something that can be possessed?
    • Then it is a thing that can have aspects and may convey stunts and other rules to the wielder.

GM Prep

The Fate Mentality

  • Take inspiration from movies and TV, not from video games.
  • Begin with the fantastic moments you want to create, and then establish whatever facts about the world you need to get you there.

Prepping Fate

  1. You need a story problem that is urgent and catastrophic if ignored.
  2. Look at the PCs’ aspects and the game aspects, and see what problems those imply. Make them open-ended, like “aliens are attacking.”
  3. Think about what details you need to solve the problem, like “how many aliens, who is the leader, how are they invading, where and when?”
  4. Answering each of those questions is a problem in its own right, and each scene should answer one or two of these questions.
  5. Think of who would oppose the PCs and prepare them and their minions.

Running Fate

  • Think about scenes, and montage anything that doesn’t deserve to be a scene.
  • Each scene needs a story question to answer (that’s how you know when the scene is over) and a source of opposition (that’s how you give your problem agency and urgency).

FATE Session Zero/One-Shot

  • Session Zero
  • Fate Game Creation Worksheet
  • initial dials to set for the game
    • Setting: Define setting, tone, & genre as aspects.
    • Scale: how epic or personal it is.
    • Issues: Two issues (Current &&|| Impending). Both are aspects
    • Faces & Places: Make a few Antag & Protag NPCs and locations w/ aspects/issues.
    • Skills & Stunts: Home brew it some
  • Character Creation
    • Character creation is play!
    • High Concept, Trouble, then Name, in that order.
    • Phase one: Each Character describes their first or notable adventure
    • Phase Two: Each character describes how they crossed paths with another character
    • Phase Three: Each character describes how they crossed paths with somebody else
    • Make aspects out of all three phases.
    • Skills
    • Stunts
    • Refresh
    • Update Stress & Consequences: Will & Physique

FATE Session Flow

  • Be cinematic; Open with a cold open or the opening sequence.
  • Think about scenes, and montage anything that doesn’t deserve to be a scene.
  • Each scene needs a story question to answer (that’s how you know when the scene is over) and a source of opposition (that’s how you give your problem agency and urgency).
  • When you have about an hour left in your session, work towards a dramatic moment that can serve as a climax for the session.
  • End of Session Routine

End of Session Experience

fill this out someday, I really just read from the book every time

Monster of the Week

Monster of the Week Takeaways

Book Summary of sessions

Keeper Agenda & Principles

Refresh before every game Keeper Agenda and Principles

Your Agenda is Made up of Three Elements

  • Make the world seem real.
  • Play to see what happens.
  • Make the hunters’ lives dangerous and scary.

The Keeper Principles

The twelve specific ways to apply your agenda

  • Put horror in everyday situations.
  • Address yourself to the hunters, not the players.
  • Use the Keeper moves, never use their names.
  • Be a fan of the hunters.
  • Build up a coherent mythology of the world as you play.
  • Nothing is safe. Kill bystanders and minions, burn down buildings, let monsters be slain.
  • Name everyone they meet, make them seem like normal folks.
  • Ask questions and build on the answers.
  • Sometimes give the hunters exactly what they earned, rather than everything they wanted.
  • Think about what’s happening off-screen.
  • You don’t always have to decide what happens.
  • Everything is a threat.

Six Basic Elements of Story

A mystery is made up of six basic elements. You can create them in any order, but I’ll show you the order I usually use:

  • A basic concept for the mystery.
  • The hook that got the hunters’ attention.
  • The Threats
  • The mystery countdown.
  • Optionally: custom moves for special aspects of the mystery.

Keeper Moves

Basic Keeper Moves

  • Separate them.
  • Reveal future badness.
  • Reveal off-screen badness.
  • Inflict harm, as established.
  • Make them investigate.
  • Make them acquire stuff.
  • Tell them the possible consequences and ask if they want to go ahead.
  • Turn their move back on them.
  • Offer an opportunity, maybe with a cost.
  • Take away some of the hunters’ stuff.
  • Put someone in trouble.
  • Make a threat move, from one of your mystery or arc threats.
  • After every move, ask what they do next.

Monster Threat Moves

  • Hint at its presence
  • Display its full might
  • Appear suddenly
  • Attack with great force and fury
  • Seize someone or something
  • Attack with stealth and calculation
  • Order underlings to do terrible acts
  • Destroy something
  • Escape, no matter how well contained it is
  • Give chase
  • Return to home ground
  • Boast and gloat, maybe revealing a secret
  • Return from seeming destruction
  • Use an unnatural power

Minion Threat Moves

  • A burst of sudden, uncontrolled violence
  • Make a coordinated attack
  • Capture someone, or steal something
  • Reveal a secret
  • Deliver someone or something to the master
  • Give chase
  • Make a threat or demand on behalf of the master
  • Run away
  • Use an unnatural power
  • Display a hint of conscience or humanity
  • Disobey the master, in some petty way

Bystander Threat Moves

  • Go off alone
  • Argue with the hunters
  • Get in the way
  • Reveal something
  • Confess their fears
  • Freak out in terror
  • Try to help the hunters
  • Try to protect people
  • Display inability or incompetence
  • Seek help or comfort

Location Threat Moves

  • Present a hazard
  • Reveal something
  • Hide something
  • Close a way
  • Open a way
  • Reshape itself
  • Trap someone
  • Offer a guide
  • Present a guardian
  • Something doesn’t work properly
  • Create a particular feeling

First Mystery

The first mystery is going to be everyone’s introduction to the hunters and to your game’s world. Build a straightforward hunt, to give the hunters space to talk and get a sense of how the team operates. Pick a classic monster that everyone will recognize from folklore, urban legend, or pop culture.

Once you have a monster, come up with a basic concept. Think about what the creature could want, and what bad stuff is going to happen if the hunters don’t stop it. The bad stuff might be personal, local, or apocalyptic in scale.

MotW Session Zero

  • Session Zero
  • Explain & Guide Character setup
    • Ask if the team has a concept they want to start
    • Decide why you became a team
    • Else go right to picking playbooks
  • Create Hunters together
  • Come up with team history.
  • Break!
  • Game!

MotW Session Flow

End of Session Move

Ask the following and depending on how many completed everybody gets: 1-2 = 1 exp, 3-4 = 2 exp.

  • Did we conclude the current mystery?
  • Did we learn something new and important about one of the hunters?
  • Did we learn something new and important about the world?
  • Did we save someone from certain death (or worse)?

Ask everybody if they have plans for what to do next or ideas for later.

Think about whether the mystery gave you more ideas for your existing arcs, or suggested a new one.

Second Session

  • Let players swap out moves they didn’t like


Thirsty Sword Lesbians


  • Remember, the whole game is the players telling their stories.
  • Be a huge fan of the characters.
  • Tie in all plots against the character’s backstories.
  • Let the players drive the story, don’t be attached to any antag/plotline.
  • TSL works well as an NPC-forward game where you want to make characters they’ll be smitten with.
    • Keep all the antagonists in fem/nb/player alignment.
    • Tie in all the antagonists emotionally to the character’s core concepts and backgrounds. (dated, fought, etc.)
    • Keep the antagonists flirty.
    • Make every single antagonist encounter meaningful, with no trash mobs and no drop in battles. Make anybody the players cross somebody they would cross swords with in a heated way.
  • Put players in positions where fighting is usually not the obvs answer, and encourage other moves.
  • Use the playbook challenges for GMs listed in TSL, and keep them close.
    • Refer to the character’s core problem on a down beat.
  • With “defy disaster,” ask what they risk sacrificing FIRST.
  • Keep players’ special hooks and abilities close to help encourage them.
  • Have the toxic powers be toxic powers without having to bring misogyny, racism, etc., into it.
  • Dig into conditions, make them emotional, and with a significant impact, play them up.
  • Figuring someone out is usually something that is Intuited IC, not asked out loud.
  • Having antag get strings on something for later is better than losing something abstract.

TSL Campaign Flow

Stephanie’s Mini Campaign Setup: 4 sessions, one (free) session zero and three standard sessions. Then take a break. Let people hop about at this point and swap out game parts.

Missing from the one-shot flow is going over the campaign setup document and letting people pick out the world parameters. This replaces a lot of the Game Style and Tone sessions. Let the players pick it.

Game Prep

  • Set up Roll20 or print out everything
  • Get the Relationship Questions & GM Moves
  • Get the Handouts for game start and world build.

One Shot

Give them a goal that can be achieved in a one-shot: a threat, or a toxic power that can be struck down. Surround them with sexy villains and a sexy ally or two.

TSL Session Zero

  • Session Zero
  • Go over the TSL World Building Worksheet.
  • Explain and guide the character setup
    • Discuss each player’s playbook conflict and primary move.
    • Go over sword importance.
  • Ask for any Pre-Relationship tasks in playbooks.
  • Character relationship setting
    • Round robin through all three questions
    • Encourage but not force variety in answers.
    • Spend a bit on each question.
    • Make sure it’s two-way consensual, and have both players expand on it!
    • Let players grant any extra strings (two max)
  • Have a ten-minute break here.

TSL Session

  • Ask for any start of session moves
  • Ask for any start of scene/new area moves
  • Action flow
    • Have the characters say what they want to do
    • Decide the pick the playbook move and modifier.
    • Ask them what they are risking.
    • Describe what they are doing for it
    • Only then roll
  • When you have about an hour left in your session, work towards a dramatic moment that can serve as a climax for the session.
  • End of Session Routine

End of Session Move

At the end of every session, each player marks XP if, during the session:

  • Any PC confessed their love.
  • Any PC struck a blow against oppression or de-escalated a violent situation.
  • Any PC leaped into danger with daring and panache.
  • Any player used a safety practice such as adding to the palette or checking in.

Subsections of Game Mastering

Discord Configuration for a Meeting Room

Discord is configured for a single person, single mic by default. However you can handle it to handle many people using a single mic, e.g. a meeting room setup.

Since this has come up a few times, here is the instructions.

  1. Go to Your Settings link to settings link to settings

  2. Go to the Voice & Video Settings Voice & Video Settings Voice & Video Settings

  3. Turn Off Automatic Input Sensitivity and Adjust the Sensitivity. You can see the noise your mic picks up in the dark moving area input sensitivity input sensitivity

  4. Turn Off Advanced Voice Activity and Automatic Gain Control Settings to turn off Settings to turn off

End of Session Routine

When you have about an hour left in your session, work towards a dramatic moment that can serve as a climax for the session.

Let players know that I like to do a three-part end-of-session breakdown.

Per Character Epilogue

Let each player riff for two minutes at the end of any episode, season, or one-shot.

End-of-session Experience

Based on the game, read the notes. FATE [Thirsty Sword Lesbians](Thirsty Sword Lesbians) [Monster of the Week](Monster of the Week)


Let players know the three steps before we go around the room.

  1. Highlight Reel
    1. What was your or your character’s highlight moment?
  2. Bloopers & Outtakes
    1. Bloopers are the Haha, whoopsie moments
    2. Outtakes are more serious things we want to offer feedback for hopes of improvement
  3. Feels & Final Feedback
    1. Time to process and feels
    2. And Get the last word in

End of Season

Ask players on a scale of 1-5;

  1. how in control of their characters they felt
  2. How In control of the party did they feel they had
  3. How much control over the plot?
  4. How much control of the world?

Fate Game Creation Worksheet

Game Name

Settings and Scale

This is aspects


Both can be current or impending These are aspects too

Issue One

Issue Two

Faces and Places





Stunts & Extras

Gaming Code of Conduct

By participating in this server/games, you agree to the following code of conduct (stolen shamelessly from the Lodestone game community in Minneapolis):

Nobody shows up for a game with the goal of feeling uncomfortable or unsafe, but open play brings together many different types of people with different expectations and approaches to playing. So we’ve set ground rules that everyone can recognize and follow, resulting in better games and more fun for everyone.

All participants (players, Game Masters, and admin/moderators) are expected to adhere to these rules. Participants must conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to the enjoyment and safety of others at the event. Follow the directions of server admins and moderators. Follow the GM’s lead, and avoid arguing with the GM or other players over rules. Let other players speak, avoid talking over others. Allow other players to get attention from the GM. Be attentive to the table, and don’t distract other players. Respect and abide by content decisions, lines, veils, X-cards, and other safety tools at the table. Be upfront with your expectations. If you have a particular theme you wish to avoid, talk to your GM.

There is zero tolerance for theft or aggressive behavior. Abusive and aggressive behavior is grounds for immediate removal. Aggressive behavior includes threats of or actual physical aggression, using racial, gender, cultural, or other slurs against another person, and otherwise harassing other people. This also includes actions taking place outside the server, both online and in person.

Participants who feel as though they are in an unsafe environment should notify an admin, moderator, or server owner immediately. Participants noticing disruptive behavior should make those responsible for the behavior aware of their actions. Say something. Participants will never be retaliated against by admins or moderators for reporting conduct issues.

If someone feels uncomfortable bringing it to the attention of the disruptive individual, the participant should notify the Game Master or an admin or moderator immediately.

The Game Master has the right to ask a disruptive player to leave the table and speak with an admin or moderator. Admins and moderators have the right to remove a disruptive or aggressive player or Game Master from the server.

These rules may change as needed.

General GM Takeaways

Specific to Me

  • Corral the players more, keep them on topic
    • especially during setup
  • Make the one shot setup faster!
  • Organize my Ref sheets/GM table!
  • Make an NPC card for me too!


  • Don’t get lost in my descriptions; give chars just enough.
  • Describe the room and establish where people are regularly
  • Don’t speak over the players but in silences, take a round-robin
  • Let the players play, encourage their play.
  • Don’t be excited to speak as the GM.
  • Count to eight on silences and ask players to check in where they are.
  • Keep all the player’s books up when they talk so I can suggest moves.
  • Don’t ever call out players in the wrap-up.
  • Don’t sit in silence during character creation, offer help where needed.
  • Have each player post in chat when they are done with the character setup.

Calling on Players Online

Calling on individual players online

Address the character, not the player.

Ask the individuals “Name, what do you think of the situation?” instead of asking the group overall “what do you do.”

Ask the character “what do you think” instead of “What do you do” to give people a chance to talk it out.

Keep a list of the characters and players in front of you when running your games to remind you who you haven’t heard from in some time.

Let the next character know that we’ll be asking them next.

Let players know we’ll be doing this, and why.

One-Shot Takeaways

  • Pre-build out characters with names for One-Shot
    • Let players mod them as desired
  • Keep it off rails, and let the players run about.
  • Four to Five hours is nice.
  • Ideally one hour for setup, two if possible.
  • Still use the Session Zero Session Zero

Roll20 & Discord Usage Takeaways

Set up Session Aides in Advance

Add a starting splash page with characters, art, and the agenda for each session. Update this every session

Create a “What’s Happening Now” card for everybody to see.

Add a Lines & Veils Card for everybody to look at at any time. Add a note to this that points out

As a quick reminder, since we just spend time talking about these things, they become front of mind for us; they are now in our heads. They may want to come up unintentionally, so please use caution.

Start with a rollup card listing all the NPCs, or make a card for each one with a small detail about them.

Add a picture of the Character sheet in a scene to point things out to players during setup and training.

Audio Visual

  • Audio on discord
  • video on Roll20 to keep eyes there
  • text chat and OOC in roll20 to keep eyes there

I also like to keep game chat in roll 20 with image dumps in discord tabletop-chat

Discord Setup

  • Set up a read-me with locked Gaming Code of Conduct
  • Make a dedicated space for game announcements
  • A group with the audio lobby and game-table chat
  • Consider a memes dump space
  • Turn up Audio quality on Game Chat

Help Players with Roll20 & Discord

  • Go over double click Roll20 header to minimize and expand
  • Explain how to change icon size at the bottom
  • Show players how to change Roll20 A/V settings
  • Show players how to change individual people’s Discord Audio
  • Have players change Roll20/Discord display name to Char name and pronouns

Discord Configuration for a Meeting Room

Online Etiquette

Be aware of how much space somebody is taking up.

When you are n a call, whoever talking is taking up all the space, talking over is hard. You can’t have side talk.

Use Roll20 for general and side chats.

Have a plan for “No, you go first” moments

  • The nose goes for it
  • GM picks

Set aside chat time before and after

Session Zero/One-Shot Start

Before Session

  1. Send out a copy of the RPG Consent Checklist.
  2. Verify all submitted and compile to a Lines and Veils Cards
  3. Make the “What’s Happening Now” Card
  4. Make an NPC Card

Session Start

  1. Go around with Names, Pronouns, Game experience, & fun fact introduction.
  2. Start with Safety tools.
    1. Discuss X-Card & Script Change
    2. Have players demo safety tools and cards
    3. Review Lines and Veils Card
      1. Allow Players to Add to it.
    4. Discuss the desired/comfortable rating of the game.
  3. Ask in turn what everybody is excited to do or for
  4. High-Level Describe the Game, our style, and tone
  5. Lead Game and Character setup from the guide

TSL Setting Template

The Setting



Three solid principals?


Setup Questions

Custom Relationships?




Name (pronouns): big description For important characters let’s put some question prompts on them

  • Name (pronouns): Smaller descriptions for the minor characters


First Names



  • Location, a short description

Custom Rules

GM: Section Contain Spoilers

What’s Really Going On? One Possibility

Scene Ideas

TSL World Building Worksheet


What Genre is Our Story?

Historical fantasy, original fantasy, space opera, urban sci-fi, modern secret immortals, intrigue, punk, fanfic based on existing media

What is the Tone We’re Aiming For?

Goofy, dire, cathartic, escapist, power fantasy, sweet, angsty

What Elements of This Genre and Tone Do You Want to See in the Story? What Do You Not Want to See?

(Record these on a palette.)


The PCs live in a community sharing positive, feminist values, even if it’s not perfect.

What’s The Scale of This Community?

Secret coven, well-regarded social group, insular commune, widely known village, guardians of the great library, run-down city, glittering metropolis, wandering folk, pirate fleet, notorious horde, wild continent, paved continent, scattered villages on an inhospitable planet, a heavily developed planet, asteroid dwellings, half of a contested star system, all the planets of the star system (save one?), scattered among the stars, galactic union

What is Especially Positive About This Community?

Reliable emotional support, skill-sharing, virtuous leadership, safe stronghold, wisdom from diverse experiences

What NPC Epitomizes This Virtue? What Do They Want From the PCs?

What is a Serious Flaw of Your Community?

Complacent, ignorant, combative, endless deliberation, resources stretched thin, hedonism, dependence on a problematic activity, moral blind spots, unfair governance structure

What NPC Epitomizes This Flaw? What Do They Want From the PCs?

Define at Least One Location Associated with Your Community. Why Would it Be a Dramatic Place to Have a Sword Fight?


Toxic powers threaten the well-being of your community. Generate two of them, answering the following questions for each:

Do They Threaten Your Community From Within, or From Outside?

What Do They Want?

Domination, order, safety, strife, conformity, silence, possessions, to humiliate, to tear down your achievements

Why Are They so Dangerous?

Blackmail, magic, ruthlessness, social standing, numbers, evil genius, divine power, agents everywhere, skill at arms, clever manipulation, control of media, technological advantage

What’s Appealing About Them?

Define at Least One Location Associated with Each Toxic Power. Why Would it Be a Dramatic Place to Have a Sword Fight?

Create an NPC to Act as the Face of Each Toxic Power

How Do These Toxic Powers Relate to Each Other?

Rivals, Enemies, Allied, Unaware


Toxic powers threaten the well-being of your community. Generate two of them, answering the following questions for each:

Do They Threaten Your Community From Within, or From Outside?

What Do They Want?

Domination, order, safety, strife, conformity, silence, possessions, to humiliate, to tear down your achievements

Why Are They so Dangerous?

Blackmail, magic, ruthlessness, social standing, numbers, evil genius, divine power, agents everywhere, skill at arms, clever manipulation, control of media, technological advantage

What’s Appealing About Them?

Define at Least One Location Associated with Each Toxic Power. Why Would it Be a Dramatic Place to Have a Sword Fight?

Create an NPC to Act as the Face of Each Toxic Power

How Do These Toxic Powers Relate to Each Other?

Rivals, Enemies, Allied, Unaware

Subsections of My Campaigns

Farm Lesbians Season 2

Thursdays at 18:00


You were all involved in the conflicts in a strife-filled land. I will let you all come up with your backstories, but the short of it is that the powers from your shared nation have decided it’s time for more peace and are giving out “free early retirements” in farmland. You don’t have to be a combatant per se. Still, you are generally involved: medic, chef, strategist, noble who was a bit too fingers into things… whatever you can think of that you can justify that you were “involved enough” to qualify to be sent off to farm in the prime of your life to get you away from the battlefield.

You lot all have your own reasons, but collectively, you have come together and decided you want to set down swords and pick up plowshares in the lesbian farming commune known as Stardew Valley and have been given an old farm to share.

Integrating into a small community and starting a farm is hardly an easy retirement, especially when there is more than meets the eye in this small town…

Major Issues

Impending Issues

  1. Dorian is in a toxic relationship with Mora, and Mora is shutting down her art
  2. Joja and Patty at battling it out
  3. New members coming in are causing issues?


Vixen Stormheart (Beast) Kitty She/Her


  • Show them the consequences of failing to conform.
  • Punish their friends for tolerating them.
  • Describe the collateral damage (physical and otherwise).

Who most reminds you of a beast (Ray)

Who most reminds you of prey (Dorian)

Who has seen you at your most bestial (Emily)

Dr Azula Winter (Nature witch) Ren She/Her

Military doctor. got herself removed, troublemaker

animal and human, more holistic

requiem: animal familiar, gila monster

  • Betray their foolish trust.
  • Threaten the natural world.
  • Take them out of their element.

Who sees your potential? (Maru) friend of fam

Who thinks you’re perfect the way you are? (Demeter)

Who thought they took you on a date when you thought it was just a fun, friendly time? (Alexia)

Dorian (Troubadour) Britt They/He

secretly never agreed in the conflict, but being popular

  • Accuse them of selling out.
  • Accuse them of going too far.
  • Reveal the toxicity of their Patron.

Who’s your biggest fan? (Citrine)

Who has taken issue with your Art? (Mora)

Who has seen you at your lowest? (Mora)

Ray Wills (Bloody) Stephanie She/Her

was removed, doesn’t know why, thinks the was is just over

  • Remind them of one of their Scars, and how their current situation drags the memory to the front of their mind
  • Put someone or something they care about in danger in a way that asks them to jump into harm’s way
  • Have a character reject them after they’ve been vulnerable

Who knows something about you that you’ve never spoken about to anyone else? (Winter)

Who knows you better as a protector than they do as a person? (Citrine)

Who are you scared to be vulnerable with? (Gus)

Citrine (Sun hand) Domino She/Her

The emptiest orchestra is obsession, music

from the south, kitchen witch magic, big on family.

wanted space and join mil for i

Retired because she wants to make her own fam and plot

Give them options outside of their Obsession move to do the same task.

  • Create consequences for friends when sacrificing friendships.
  • Give impressed people’s reactions extra attention.
  • When they roll a down beat on Sun Hand Baking, create undesirable outcomes for the powers they were hoping for

For example, Klo Style bread, instead of granting gills, makes the skin wet and slimy. It may be obvious to them that it didn’t work out, but they won’t know the effects until after they eat the bread.

  • Who do you most want to impress with your skills? (Gus)
  • Who has the moves you want most? (Dr Winter)
  • Who has grown weary of your hobby-hopping? (Mora)


name strings Desc
Gus (he/his) Citrine, Ray wallet chain he him dyke, big barrel body and cargo pants
Mora (she her) Citrine, Dorian, Owner of Joja mart, boss bitch, power suit-wearing, super tight ponytail, big brick cellphone carrying, looking for a trophy wife. has Dorian
Luise Silver Fox Futch, retired hardened general and now mayor. Shagging Marnie in secret, and is dumb, pays off people a lot
Maru Dr Winter Involved with Dr Winter
Patty Vixen, Dorian drugs and douche about shop
Emily Vixen Dating Vixen? maybe
Shane Has a huge crush on Dr Winter
Alexia Dr Winter
Demeter Dr Winter
Evolyn Citrine
Abigail Wizzard’s kid
Clint Creep, doesn’t know how to lady
Willy Ray the staple cis dude.

Yoba is god Genamos spirits

Penny school teacher


  1. Farm
  2. Community Center
  3. Bar
  4. Joja Mart
  5. Mayors Office


  • Vixen
  • Dorian
  • Dr Winters
  • Ray
  • Citrine

The Characters Present

What’s Happening Now

After a long time in the mines Ray comes back to get a beer. She ends up chatting up Pam, getting all the goss on what happened while she was gone.

Ray sneaks in home, managing to stay super silent. Going to bed stank over seeing Dorian.

The next morning Ray goes out for a huge run but then dshowers and starts eating. Dorian comes out and they have what turns into a tiff. It was Dorian trying ot figure out what Ray was out doing last night, and then Ray digs in on Dorian, trying to figure out what it would take to get him to be indepentent.

However this devolves into a full fight. and Ray offend the fuck out of him. Ray storms out and vixen manages to NOT help soothe Ray.

Ray then takes a hike to the beach, meets willy, the only cis dude in town, and learns to fish and processes her relationship with Dorian and the choices.

Meanwhile vixen has gone out to try and get help from Ray, who is an old friend. they work together to help find out the solution, but

Vixen and

Provoke for string Opportunity for Vixen Disarm

What will it take for you to stand up for this woman.

Notes & Takeaways



  • Vixen
  • Dorian
  • Dr Winters
  • Ray
  • Citrine

The Characters Present

What’s Happening Now

Citrine meets Haley and Elimy as they fight over vixen

Dorian realizes he is hecking it all up and does a switch to the song. He then switches to a love song and inadvertently calls out his love for Ray to the whole town

Citrine makes some heavy crumb which relaxes the whole town to take it all down

Vixen gets Emily to forgive her by committing to give up all this mess and making a scene and playing along.

Mora shows up for the end of Dorian’s song about ray, but Citrine manages to get him away from Mora before she can get it.

Notes & Takeaways



The Characters Present

  • Vixen
  • Dorian
  • Dr Winters
  • Ray
  • Citrine

What’s Happening Now

The town is in a fury. Dorian is making a mess of things. Vixen is a mess

Notes & Takeaways



The Characters Present

  • Vixen
  • Dorian
  • Dr Winters
  • Ray
  • Citrine

What’s Happening Now

The town is in a fury. Dorian is making a mess of things. Vixen is a mess

Notes & Takeaways



The Characters Present

  • Vixen
  • Dorian
  • Dr Winters
  • Ray
  • Citrine

What’s Happening Now

Vixen needs to prove her innocence Dr Winters needs to unurp Luise Dorian needs to

It’s an awkward morning. Ray: She can’t dance anymore, it takes her to a bad place.

Ray and Luise have a past, Luise is retired becasue of fraternization and preferences.

Notes & Takeaways



The Characters Present

  • Vixen
  • Dorian
  • Dr Winters
  • Ray
  • Citrine

What’s Happening Now

the next morning and the Sapphics are restless. While dorian had their best sleep in a while, Dr Winter spent the whole time caring for them. However Vixen didn’t sleep well.

On the bus ride in Ray and Citrine have a tense introduction, luckily Citrine’s baking helps smooth friends, even when things are dicy with ray. Howevee when they get to the house they find they are sharing Ash’s old room, with only one bed.

While the house is waking up introductions are made and citrine decides to make food for everybody. Dr Winters and Ray go to have a chat and catch up during all this.

It’s right before Dr Winters leaves that Luise shows back up looking for Vixen, but Winters pushes her off saying she will come see Luise in her office with Vixen. Citrine goes to join the crew to see Luis.

While this is happening Ray cares for and supports Dorian some, but really struggles to help land the moral support. However Dorin works it out in song, realisibng his biggest love is music… and then he catches some traumebonded feels with Ray.

Notes & Takeaways



The Characters Present

  • Vixen
  • Dorian
  • Dr Winters showed up late

What’s Happening Now

The last three months have been hard

  • Ash Nash has vanished into the night with no warning
  • Stories of monsters from the mines have been picking up
  • Dorian has been distant at the hands of Mora
  • Mora is playing Dorian like a fiddle, but not letting him play at all
  • Things are becoming tense between Joja Mart and the corner mart run Patty

Spirit’s Eve is coming up in only a week but the tension is so high in this town you are wondering how the festival will go off.

After spending the time in his cage dorian is taken for a walk, literally on a collar and leash. Vixen was out shopping, after having walked past Patty’s Corner Store and gone right to Joja for meat. However she ran into Mora and Dorian and picked a fight with Mora. before this escalated too far Vixen took off

Meanwhile Maru & Dr winters are doing well, their relationship blooming as they learn more about each other as they have grown. Maru is still working the front desk and now Dr Winters is working full time at the clinic.

However the clinic shares a wall with Patty’s corner store and the raging Vixen causes a fight so loud Dr Winters goes over to ty and smooth things over. Even though Patty is being shitty to Vixen the Doc manager to deescalate the situation but in her simmering anger Vixen offers to help Patty deal with Joja mart and Mora. Patty offers Vixen to help her, and meet her at the bar to talk about it. Things still end up getting super messy when Mora and Dorian show up to throw shade on Patty and talk about how Joja mart is throwing a sale.

Vixen gets to the bar early to see Emily since she is working there. However when Vixen tells Emily about her plans to work with Patty to sabotage Joja and Mora it turns into a bit of a fight, where Emily isn’t going to support Vixen with this bloodlust and vengeance and she will need to pick. Vixen changes her mind about wanting to help Patty and instead causes a scene telling her off hard in the bar.

The next morning Mora has an appointment at headquarters so Dorian is home for once in a long time. He is starving and makes a huge breakfast and tries to understand how messy everything has been. However when everybody is coming in to have breakfast Luise shows up and and they learn somebody vandalized the Patty’s shop and vixen is at the top of the list of suspects after the huge outbursts at the bar. After questioning Dr Winters and Vixen while Dorian hid the three have a tense conversation about who it could be.

Dr Winters leaves for work but Vixen stays behind with dorian. They have a hard conversation and Vixen really puts Dorian that he is really failing his patron and not ready for the Spirits Even and they decide to go get his instruments. They realize that they are at Mora and after breaking into Mora house they find them in the dark corner of the closet, and dorian has a bit of concern but still is bottling some. Finally Vixen completely looses her cool about the whole situation with Mora and Dorian and completely dumps on them.

Mora shows up while vixen is dumping on Mora and then snaps at Vixen. Dorian runs to his cage like a dog that realized he is in trobuble but Vixen shifts and steals the guitars, running through town and to the clinic to get Dr Winters. When Dr Winters sees this though she decides it’s fighting time and they take it it to Mora. WInters pick the fight but Vixen comes in ti take them.

Dorian is found upstairs bleeding and chained to a St Andrews cross, he’s too beaten to stand but Winters unties them and carries them away. Downstairs the fight with Vixen and Mora is getting messy but when Dr Winters carries Dorian out, Mora stops and actually calls Dorian by his name, and says

Dorian, don’t you go out that door, you can’t leave me.

Notes & Takeaways


Ren got to have Dr WInter got to explore her bad assery Britt is having fun exploring a new side of a character unlike their prior

Farm Lesbians Season 1

Thursdays at 18:00

Farm Lesbians World Building Worksheet


You were all involved in the conflicts in a strife-filled land. I will let you all come up with your backstories, but the short of it is that the powers from your shared nation have decided it’s time for more peace and are giving out “free early retirements” in farmland. You don’t have to be a combatant per se. Still, you are generally involved: medic, chef, strategist, noble who was a bit too fingers into things… whatever you can think of that you can justify that you were “involved enough” to qualify to be sent off to farm in the prime of your life to get you away from the battlefield.

You lot all have your own reasons, but collectively, you have come together and decided you want to set down swords and pick up plowshares in the lesbian farming commune known as Stardew Valley and have been given an old farm to share.

Integrating into a small community and starting a farm is hardly an easy retirement, especially when there is more than meets the eye in this small town…

Major Issues

Impending Issues

  • Abigail birth
  • Pierre drugs, douche about shop
  • Lewis shagging marnie in secret, and is dumb, pays off people a lot
  • Jodi totes depressed


  • Yoba is god
  • Genamos spirits


  • Clint is a creep and doesn’t know how yo lady
  • Penny school teacher



  • Alex -> Alexia
    • string Dr Winter
  • Elliot -> Ellie
  • Harvey -> Harriet
  • String Ash
  • Sam -> Samantha
  • Sebastian -> Sebby
    • String Ash
  • Shane -> ugh really shane? really?
  • Abigail
  • string Dr Winter
  • Emily
  • Haley
  • Leah
  • Maru
  • strong Dr Winter
  • Penny
  • Caroline
  • Clint -> Carrie
  • Demetrius -> Demerter
  • Evelyn
  • George ->
  • Gus ->
  • Jas
  • Jodi
  • Kent ->
  • Leo ->
  • Linus ->
  • Marnie
  • Pam
  • Pierre ->
  • Robin
  • Sting Ash
  • Claire from joja mart
  • Gus -> he/his allet chain he him dyke, big barrel body and cargo pants
  • Mora -> Owner of Joja mart, boss bitch, power suit-wearing, super tight ponytail, big brick cellphone carrying, looking for a trophy wife
    • String Ash
  • Luis -> Luise -> Silver Fox Futch, retired hardened general and now mayor


Vixen Stormheart (The beast) Kitty


  • Show them the consequences of failing to conform.
  • Punish their friends for tolerating them.
  • Describe the collateral damage (physical and otherwise).

Who most reminds you of a beast (Dorian)

Who most reminds you of prey (Ash) And she is worth

Who has seen you at your most bestial (Ash)

Ash Nash (Trickster) Stephanie

PFC quarter master, effective, makes trobule

  • Reveal their secrets, or threaten to.
  • Show them someone being vulnerable and suffering for it.
  • Threaten the things they won’t admit they care about.

Who has seen a hint of what’s behind your mask? (Dr Azula)

Who has been the worst victim of your trickery? (Luise)

Whom are you most concerned about (Vixen)

Dr Azula Winter (Nature witch) Ren She/Her

Military doctor. got herself removed, troublemaker

animal and human, more holistic

requiem animal familar, gila monster

  • Betray their foolish trust.
  • Threaten the natural world.
  • Take them out of their element.

Who sees your potential? (Maru) friend of fam

Who thinks you’re perfect the way you are? (Abigail) all about be who you are

Who thought they took you on a date when you thought it was just a fun, friendly time? (Alexis Lexie)

Dorian (Troubadour) Britt They/He

secretly never agreed in the conflict, but being popular

  • Accuse them of selling out.
  • Accuse them of going too far.
  • Reveal the toxicity of their Patron.

Who’s your biggest fan? (Ash) Secretly

Who has taken issue with your Art? (Mora)

Who has seen you at your lowest? (Dr Winter)



Community Center


Joja Mart

Mayors Office


The Characters Present

What’s Happening Now

FLower Festival

Dr Winder watching sunrise Ash Nash up late but was watering parsnips Dorian woken up by birds Vixen getting a nap

Notes & Takeaways



The Characters Present

What’s Happening Now

Notes & Takeaways


Farm Lesbians World Building Worksheet

The early 00s low-magic mid-tech


Vibe References: The Frog and the Toad & Gilmore Girls getting used to all growing and learning a bit more warm-hearted and sarcastic


cottagecore undertones of angsty

Wanted Elements of Genre & Tone

Some action Internal conflict


Stardew Valley is a collection of small towns in a valley The story mostly focuses on Pelican Town, a lesbian farming commune medium small town size total where not everybody’s is on first name basis Caves exist & there is something rotten about nobody making a big deal about all these monsters and such

What is Exceptionally Positive About This Community

There is a community in the community of shared history and understanding.

What NPC Epitomizes His Virtue

Gus. He wants unity and togetherness from the players.

What is the Serious Flaw of This Community

A lot of PTSD and unresolved trauma short tempters or shut down

What NPC Epitomizes This Flaw

Shane He wants to be left alone and connected in this area where he feels constantly judged.

The Place

The Community Center is the team’s fix-up project. It is incredible to have a swordfight there because it is under construction, and sword fights exacerbate it.

Toxic Power #1

Joja mart from within they want all the money, domination, & power They are dangerous because they feel above reproach, honeyed promises what’s appealing about them is their convenience and cheapness Joja Mart is an amazing place to have a swordfight because of the excitement of climbing over shelves, spilling endcaps and fruits, and running through the refrigeration tunnel. Mora, boss bitch, power suit-wearing, super tight ponytail, big brick cellphone

Toxic Power #2

The State Outside keep yall passive and meek clever manipulation, control of media community, unity Mayors office Luise, Silver Fox Futch, retired hardened general and now mayor

joja is using the town as cheap source of labour and people

Rain or Shine

Tuesday’s @ 1900 PST


Forest City of Shawboa

A metropolitan forest city with homes mixed between the earth and spreading high amongst the branches.

The city is built upon one of the largest magical leylines, a well of nature magic so powerful that it spreads through the whole city and infuses all we do with magic.

All sorts of various creatures and people call this their home, all gathering to be in one of the most magical places in the forest continent known as the Ammore Verdant.

You are all members of the Shawboa Mail Brigade, a parcel and mail delivery funded by the city to provide for its citizens.

Major Issues

  1. The leyline has been poisoned and is starting to die hidden
  2. Magical communication is disrupted
  3. The Elementals Mail Company is trying to steal the magic & take over the city

Impending Issues

  1. Suddenly, you are all super overworked! So much to do!
  2. The team sees something they shouldn’t have! Elemental’s people




Josephine Dot (calico cat): Boss of the Shawboa Mail Brigade


Thornwing (griffin kin): Leader of the EMC (evil) Trying to steal all the power


Hidden Botanical Park Notther area Elementals Mail Company Head Office Shawboa Mail Brigade Main Center

Winter black cat white tiops wearnoz


The Characters Present


What’s Happening Now

raided the EMC met up with Hatternut and tilly took off

Notes & Takeaways



The Characters Present

wicked wizard of Wimbledon

What’s Happening Now

Notes & Takeaways


Warnoz stole a clipboard winter has bad history with cops


The Characters Present

Goth Warnoz Unphased tilly

Seld Faore (They) With Glasses Janet Suzan Dragonkin Michellies (mikki) Donald

What’s Happening Now

Elephant milk

dept of magicology.

Mouse Rizz Traph Wizz Willow Elmcreek Fire fairy Adore Silver


Notes & Takeaways



The Characters Present

What’s Happening Now


Visinging all these people Mouse Rizz Traph Wizz Willow Elmcreek Fire fairy Adore Silver


Notes & Takeaways


Subsections of Rain or Shine

Episode 2

The Characters Present

Wernoz Tilly Winter

Beatrice freight dragon Flower opppssum cinnamon the beaver

What’s Happening Now

Notes & Takeaways


  • Make Grumplehop somebody important

Episode 1

The Characters Present

Wernoz Tilly WIntger

Michellies (mikki) Donald

merina puma had purse

cinnamon the beaver

What’s Happening Now

very large mail route, hidden botanical park in Northern area must be before end of work

Notes & Takeaways

small purple flower


Session Zero


racism specism adult content animal harm/abuse

Exited for

cat people magic, doing magic, endless puffins conflicts Discovery, mystery

carrying the mail

Settings and Scale

more modern ish really high magic dragons unicorns magical animal for transpo Lord of the ring elvans forrest punk

Scale: our city

This is aspects


Both can be current or impending These are aspects too

Issue One

Communication has been disrupted always Mail carriers


Issue Two

power conflict corporate mail carrier system coming in and trying to bully you out

Faces and Places

big bad a few flunlies





Replace shoot with magic

Stunts & Extras


Saturdays 0900 PST/1100 CST


The game takes place in the modern-day USA, with an urban fantasy version of real life.

Major Issues

  • CISRA has some dubious motives, and Morgan realizes this. Morgan is trying to keep them at arm’s length.

Impending Issues

  • Violet wants Agata to suffer for an extremely long time, preferably longer than her natural life, which violet is unsure of.
  • Siro has an admission token to somewhere into Fae.
  • Agata jinxed Violet to lose something Agata would find


  • Shiro (Saku)
  • Agata (Whyte)
  • Morgan (Kittn)
    • CISRA Agent


  • Craig Porter is the supervisor at CISRA
  • Mary Ann from the Night’s Cross Motel
    • can block psychics, and feedback at them
  • Ashley Hadley is an aspiring CISRA agent
  • Violet: changeling daughter of the king of fairie


  • CISRA headquarters in Virginia
  • Rhictorville: Town where haunted house took place
  • Handfast Village: Where the team dealt with the Fae

Subsections of Venandi

Season Finale


Season Finale; Insomnia Away the Time

Agata has been taken by Violet! Shiro and Morgan are going to get her back!

Agata awakens without powers!? “Mary Ann” (real name Heidi) comes in for an assist

Violet is trying to use The Mind’s Eye to gain her own psychic powers, at great risk! Agata has always been holding onto an extremely important relic

The Characters

All of them Violet: changeling daughter of the king of fairie Mary Ann from the Night’s Cross Motel

What’s Happening Now

Notes & Takeaways

Morgan and Shoro signed a contract that gives their oath to Violet who is now queen of the fairy Heidi is super drugged up but kinda knows about the contract Violet gave up Agata for half of the contract, and the contract is that they get to go back.

Agata decides last minute to bolt out and try to escape into Faery instead of going home

Violet still has the Mind’s Eye


Session Four, Creatures


Creature Feature

The Characters

All players (eventually) Molly town drunk

What’s Happening Now

Agata “finds” Violet’s dagger in her back! GASP leads into the season one finale

Notes & Takeaways

Next week’s season finale


great to have everybody here

Session The, Quiet


The Quiet

The Characters

Dr. Jon Hansen (or “All-Father Stillness”) Morgan Agata Shiro all together for the first time

What’s Happening Now

Alton’s Bend, town empty but for three mutilated corpses. There used to be a cult

Notes & Takeaways


WW got to level up

Session Two, Dreams


Dream away the time

The Character

  • Whytewolf Agata
  • Saku made Shiro’s character

What’s Happening Now

They mostly non-violently solved the case with Oberon kink of fairie dissolving his blessing and considering the loss passed. Then Agata jynxed “adopted” daughter of the king violet to lose something, turning the conflict briefly violent

Notes & Takeaways

  • Violet stole a leaf from the king of the fairie’s court
  • Violet Jynxed Violet to lose something Agata would find, turning violet hostile to her
  • Shiro found an admit token to somewhere in fairie


Positive feedback

Session One Haunted House


Haunted house

CISRA Agency, dubious motives Morgan realizes this Agata isn’t in CISRA but is a tagalong

The Characters

  • Mary Ann from the Night’s Cross Motel can block psychics, and feedback at them
  • Craig Porter is the sup at CISRA
  • Ashley Hadley is an aspiring CISRA agent

What’s Happening Now

Notes & Takeaways


Rad Rabbit Raid


The setting is where nearby to the warren has been an old farmhouse for as long as just about anyone remembers. Recently there has been strange activity inside it and spring has come and there is all sorts of amazing foods! However a few of the hoplite teams sent out for food have gone missing! The king is getting desperate. He doesn’t want to send the main Warren Watch team to maintain power during a worrisome time so he sends the B-Team, the best of the best of what he has left outside his guard

Major Issues

  • The Queen sent out the party to find The King
  • The King is Dead

Impending Issue

  • It’s time to tell the Queen

Faces & Places

name issues aspect
Mint Diva Herbalist You must pay attention to me
Oregano Jaded Engineer I’ve seen this before
Thundar Arrogant Scout I have to be the fastest
Two Dim Fighter I forgot
HeyYou traumatized scout Whoah I have kits?
The King Dead ???
Garden Territorial birds, human dolls Fenced in, Berries!, All the food
Big Red Closed off This isn’t normal, Hay Everywh, Hayvalanche
Arclight needs more food Known Exits; Southeast exit (lake), SouthWest exit (field), Northwest exit (forrest), Northeast (forrest)
Jimmy chill guard helping Two
Sunflower watching chamber night king went missing suspended
Tulip watching chamber night king went missing suspended
The Queen missing king ???
Spagett Warren King was in talks with ???
Paprika Watching the team unflappable
Marigold Scout from the night king went missing spooked
Lily large guard, big fan of mint On the side of newness


FateCore w/ Bunnies & Burrows


All default Fate Core starting stats


skills are cool
Tumbling(Athletics) Investigate Stealth
Precision(Burglary) Humans(lore) Will
Contacts Notice BunFu(Fight)
Herbalism(crafts) Physique Empathy
Deceive Provoke Rapport
  • * Unique to this campaign
  • () Original/Base Skill

Stunts & Extras

  • Breaking outta here (Precision): +2 to rolls on to break in our out of something
  • Been here, done that (Humans): Use your Humans score for any other skill roll provided you can justify how you have experienced this human tech
  • I’ll take the case (investigate): +2 on rolls tracking down something or somebun you have some experience with
  • do you hear what I hear? (notice): +2 on rolls when taking two turns to stop and really listen about.
  • Bunny Parkor: Renamed Hardcore parkour

Today I want to bunny Today I want to bunny

Subsections of Rad Rabbit Raid

Rad Rabbit Raid 17

The teams has just finished piling on the king, and now the king is dead.

The team is alone in the room, there is five rabbits, and one of them is dead and it is the king.

Insert entire dead parrot sketch

Oregano decides to investigate the dead king. He finds the king is very dead. His eyes are washed out and he’s foaming from the mouth, which is weird for being bunpiled on. But he also finds a small quill in the king’s tush.

Mint looks into this being the herbalist master and discovers it is an injection quill, the type she’s used a lot. She looks more and sees signs of an extremly potent poision, it also seems it’s a fresh injection point.

Two looks about to see where it came from but can’t find anything useful.

Oregano decides to scour the pot and finds some good food for the king but it seems normal. In the kings bed he finds an indecypterable note. He tries but can’t decypher it.

Mint takes the quill, wrapping the quill in a bandage and putting it in her bag.

Two & Thundar put the king into bed and Mint fashions a sleep mask and cleans up the king so he looks like he is sleeping.

The team slips out and tells the guards the King is exhausted and decided to go to bed, the guards don’t buy it but when they look it ne looks perfectly like he is sleeping so the team escapes.

The team consiters different routes back into the warren.

Mint goes looking for flowers and finds some potent Lillies. She is able to make 5 applications of an extremly potent perfume with it, enough to mask a bunny.

The team decides the forrest and human area is too dangerous and goes back through the old area of the warren. They look about and seems nobunny is around. Thundar notcies a large group has all gone towards a back area they don’t reconize.

They decide to stay on mission and slip over to the main area. Two catches up with some people and they discover that the fox attack had some heavy losses but they were able to drive them back.

The team slips to Two’s place and tires to get their story straight before meeting with the Queen to report back their story. They decide to tell the story straight… mostly. Maybe omit a lot of details.

Mint also wants to bring some backup and when she goes to find her friend Lilly she’s actually found by Rose, a scout. It seems Lilly has been recruiting and Mint now has a squad. She sends rose to go find Lilly.

In the meantime Mint asks about what has been going on and finds out they had to close the main entrance and made a new one in the mid field. The queen has been upset but things have been mostly well.

Rose comes back and lets Mint know that Lily is having to do double duty and is back at Queen Guarding duty.

It’s time for the team to go see the queen.


  • It’s great to get back into it
  • There was a lot of good handholding since it’s been a while.
  • After a long break Mint felt really refreshed and thought she was feeling creative.
  • Still excited for what is happening Next.
  • We will be skipping next week, back on the 24th
    • We may want to go every other because Oregano’s schedule
    • Through the holidays we will play sessions by ear, not regularly scheduling
  • We are getting to the end of Season 2
    • GM enjoyed the whodunit style but is unsure it’s gone over as well.
    • Will change up the style and mode for Season 3
    • We may switch up the world/Players.
    • There is talk of a ponies game
      • There will be more than just ponies, & it wouldn’t be the world from the show.
  • There was a recent kickstarter of Bunnies and Burrows 3rd Edition

Rad Rabbit Raid 12

Thunder and Two both go running out from the main exit and work through the field. They almost run into a red fuzzy tail poking up from the grass. They try to cut around white to the left, but Thunder notices yet another tail poking about! A pack of them! THey cut all around wide to the right now, and Thunder goes on full alert. He looks about and sees another fox back by the entrance to the warren. The buns now go full speed to the lake so they can warn the rest!

Lily finally comes back to meet Mint. She asks about Oregano and is told: “That’s none of my business I guess.” Mint asks in and finds out that the queen is all alone now. She then finds out that the queen has not been treating the buns and guards well at all. She works him a bit, even offering him some flowers and helps convince him that she would make a much better queen and that he should pass that along a lot.

Oregano is in a corner. He’s got a bag done up tight. He spends some time to listen and try to tell exactly where everyone is. After a little, he figures out an escape path. He sneaks slowly to a side and then makes a hard break for it. He miscalculates just a bit and comes dead on to one of the bunnies, catching them in the head hard enough to bowl them over. He makes his dash still and manages to get away, but he is still flying blind now. He manages to juke and jive in the dark, and he uses his move to loosen the bag and then tosses it off to the side.

Two and Thunder both go looking for Jimmy in the riverbed. It takes them a good while, but they finally manage to find the bunnies and let them all know about the fox. The first bunny panics but they get the scouts notified, and everyone grabs up everyone and gets them back to the burrow. Two helps close up the tunnel, and then they all slip down to try and find Jimmy. Jimmy had learned that Marigold and his crew were the scouts that covered the entrances. Thunder knows him, and so they head to his place. Marigold, however, pulls thunder inside but doesn’t let Two in. He tells Thunder he needs to forget he asked him that question, and he will forget it too. Two uses a bit of deception to make him think the’s already so in. Marigold slips that the Queen is out of hand and this is super deep. He sends out Two and Thunder out as well.

Mint decides to scout the area a little more and try to figure out where the rest of the team is. She heads out to the main pot and watches about. After a little bit, some scouts fly out one passage and through to another way. She decides to go running that way to see what is going on and if it has something to do with the rest of the team. However, at that moment Thunder is coming along at a super fast 20inches. They hit each other at full speed, and most of the team is reunited!

All three decide to meet up privately and share everything they learned and did. Mint wants to be queen but thunder doesn’t trust her, they finally do agree that the queen has to go. Only then does Thunder realizes that Oregano is still missing, so they all decide to find him together instead of being split up.

Oregano realizes where he is, he’s managed to make it to an older area now, there is a lot of destruction, but the tunnels seem mostly good. This area isn’t used as much because it is a bit far away from the main square and its exit was closed off for some reason he can’t think of. He decides to try a double back trick and try and shake his pursuers. He slips down to another pot and then hides in a side wall, losing his pursuers completely.


  • We learn that rabbits measure speed in inches (hop distance)
  • foxbait is an insult
  • DM wants a calendar invite that doesn’t stink
  • Updates ont he telegram channel should be the norm
  • The game is being a lot harder but everyone is having fun.

Rad Rabbit Raid 11

A new day, a new meetup in the main chamber.

Mint & Oregano slip off to meet up with Walnut, Mint’s contact for the king’s chamber cleaner. However only Mint arrives to meet with her! Mint has a quick chat with her and gets Pussywillow’s contact info, the bunny who does most of the main cleaning.

Mint backtracks and tries to find Oregano but finds herself lost! Like the passage behind her has changed. She goes forward and finds a group of bunnies she can get help from and gets herself back to the main chamber but without anyone else about!

Oregano was pounced from behind when he was on the way to Walnuts! Oregano is bagged and tossed back but manages to squirm out of the bagging. However, he is cornered by four huge rabbits. He tries to talk his way out of it… but botches it in his panic. He tries to fight them but fails, getting thwacked about and carried off. He decides to submit and keep from getting ruffed up anymore. The bunnies carrying him are making a point of not talking.

Two and Thunder head down to the guard quarters but Jimmy isn’t about. They go about and talk to the managers a bunch. They find out he’s doing Lake duty after exploring and talking to some people.

Mint is stranded in the place all alone, trying to figure out what’s going on. She talks to a lot of rabbits but doesn’t get a lot of good answers about where Oregano might be. Mint decides to go talk to the queen’s chamber but there is a large bunny, Lilly in the way. Mint flirts with him a little and talks him up, trying to get more info. She convinces Lily to go talk and find out about Oregano.

Meanwhile, Oregano is dragged off in the warren. He’s pulled into an area where the earth smells fresher here. Then the bag tight around his head is stuffed full of alfalfa which is a delicious snack but also makes it hard to smell anything else. He spends some time doing thoughtful munching. The bunnies are doing their best to try and keep as quiet as possible, not able to really hear anything they say. He mouths off to try and fluff them up. but he gets stepped on and is told “Quiet, you will speak when spoken to.” It’s gruff but someone familiar voice.


  • All players are ready for more challenge
  • Mint found it a bit harder to plan on own
  • Will make a clandar invite for everyone

Rad Rabbit Raid 10

Months have passed and things have changed. Hey You has a family, Two is a well member of the guard, even Oregano has spent his time dried up.

However now Two, Mint, & Oregano are once again being called into the king’s chambers, however the King is not there, only the queen!

“I need this to be held in the upmost secrecy but the king has gone missing. Ever since the loss of Marcus he took that really hard, really really hard. All the news about the humans and the monsters has been rough. He’s been working a lot with his advisors to try to find a solution to the warren without moving us since we are blocked in for space. A warren without a king is dangerous. I know Hey You is indisposed and maybe it’s all for the better but I’ve brought you another scout. He was top of his class at the hoplight academy and I feel he could be a great asset as you go to look for the king.”

At that point Two and Thundar, the new scout hit it off.

“Do you have a memory span better than 3 seconds?” Asks two.

“Do you?” snaps back Thundar.



“Why don’t we just replace the king?” says Mint.

“Yea the king is dead long live the king” says Oregano.

“I didn’t vote for him!” shouts Mint.

The queen glares at all of them deep daggers. There is a deep pause as all contemplate how much longer they would like to live.

“Do we have a clue as to where he went asks Two.

“All I know about this is last I know the advisors were talkign with him about working with one of the other warrens of the forrest to try and get help sharing food and resources. We don’t think negotations were going well as they often don’t do.” offers the queen.

“Did the king go tot he other warren?” asks mint

“We don’t think he did. That would be an insanely risky thing to do, execially without his guards”

“Well why is he gone” asks Oregano

“Well if we knew that we wouldn’t be asking you would we!” Shereaks back the queen.

“My queen? do I really have to go with them?” Asks Thundar

“You’re welcome to go look for your dad yourself

“Thundar, trust me on this one…” starts the queen

“Well if we have no leads I have no idea what you want us to do” mutters Oregano

“I just gave you a lead!!”

Oregano however is not amused and manages to offend just about everyone else in the room and get everyone beheaded before the Queen finally throws them all out of the chamber.

However everyone else actually wants to find the king. Two wants to go talk to the guards and Thundar joins him while Mint & Oregano go talk to the advisors.

Oregano shouts out about it, making a bit of a scene before everyone pulls them in. Everyone is on ends about thew whole deal. The advisors tell them they were working with the Arclight warren from the forrest and trying all these different solutions but after a frustrating evening he’s vanished. They have been searching as much as they can on the down low but finally have decided it’s time to put together a team.

Oregeno digs further and finds out the arclight had scouts in but they were asked to leave without details after the king went missing.

Oregano wants a headcount but the advisors mention that would be super hard without the king

Oregano does not buy this at all. He digs in and realizes that they are all nervous and picking and choosing their words. Mint works her rapport and tries to get more from them.

Alucard warms up to Mint a lot. “I’m telling you all I can really say. He was so stressed out about all this negotiations, we were just trying to do what is best for the warren and keep everyone alive. His main priority has always been his bunnies. and his wife, that bunny wheeeew.” At that point he shuts down talking about that frightening queen.

Two and Thundar then roll up to the guard quarters, everyone playing sticks and stones. Two gets in for a round and gets a good tie with the other rabbit. Two comes right out with it and asks who was on guard for when the king went missing. Everyone kinda goes quiet and the atmosphere gets a bit tense. Two goes to one of his friends “Jimmy” and talks to him on the side, without Thundar after a careful look. He lets him know that Sunflower and Tulip were watching after the king, and those are big berly buns who don’t screw around. They have been grilled nonstop and they are in the water deep. They swear the queen and king were in the chamber and they were watching ti carefully. He must have taken a secret chamber.

Two asks about the scouts but nobody knows who was on scout, or at least Jimmy doesn’t.

Everyone meets up in a room but the paranoid Oregano looks about. However Thundar notices one of the queens hand-madens is about. Thundar calls her over super openly. She hops over with a big smile and nods, responding in kind and super casually. Thundar tries to check her for signs of twitchy or suspicious. He stares her down but the handmaden smiles back, she has her ears back and isn’t really giving off much tells. The more he looks the more he notices she’s almost too cool. She’s the kind that could probably bluff a fox into eating grass.

Oregano calls out Thundar to offer her up, and Thundar himself tries to charm her. She just gives a warm smile and rejects him politely if not very arrogantly. Mint gives her the polite tell of and she gives Mint the most condescendingly polite “Hmmmm I suppose.. Hmmm” and then hops off.

The team catches each other up what they have learned and try to talk out how the king got out somewhere. They talk about searching the King & Queen’s chambers but can’t imagine how they would get access to that after pissing off the Queen. Mint flips through her mental bunidex she knows a bun, who she helped heal his kid, and his wife’s cousin’s roommates is one fo the buns that helps tidies the chambers. She notes she has to ask them soon, she is really sure her name is Wallnut, or something like that.


  • GM needs to work with names.
    • bunny names arer flowers and plans,
  • Doing a whodunnit style might be more fun so GM is being this
    • they can also try overghtrowing the queen
    • or getting killed by her
    • or checking out external
  • Thundar is fun
  • Mint needs to bring the LotR “I would be a beautiful queen” speech if she overthrows the queen

Rad Rabbit Raid 9

The team all files into the burrows and are surrounded by adulation and excitement as the missing buns are returned. The king’s close hoplites inform the team that the king king would love to speak to the team. Oregano is meh and not excited to see the king but the rest of the team and the reluctant Oregano slides into the king’s chamber.

The king is hopping excited to see the returned team. “Hello my buns! I have already heard word you have returned with many of the scouts. What news do you have for me about what happened to the scouts and the path to secure food?”

“You want the long story or the short story.” asks Oregano.

“I want the long version” Says the king anxiously.

“I think we already mentioned there is a lot of food there” Jumps in Mint.

“There is a lot of food but it is heavily guarded in many different ways” says Two.

“Right and so I was hoping you would find a safe route to collect the food.” says the king

“No” answers HeyYou and Oregano at the same time.

“This puts our warren in a dangerous predicament. What more can you tell me about the threats” worries the king.

“Dog, Humans, Giant Human Creations, that destroy everything they touch, things that come out of nowhere and just flattened Marcus.” Everyone chips in in turn.

“Marcus? M-My boy Marcus? He’s gone? Noooo!” Exclaims the king, now completely distraught flooded by all this news piled on at once.

“Sorry man, we had him till the last moment but then he sort of… flattened” Offers up Oregano.

“He just flattened? You’re telling me the humans created a device which just flattens buns?”

“Yea, there was just a rush of wind, and a flash of light and noise and then he was just gone”

The king is shaken to his core by this horrific news, not just of one of his children but also the horrible beast spoken of.

“There is only one way we can fix this king; we need to destroy all humans. We need to gather up all the buns we have left and we need to kill every last single one of them at that farm.” offers up Oregano straight.

“He hasn’t had his berries in a while” offers up Two to help console the king after the absurd but straight suggestion comes up.

The king is still shaken and disturbed, trying to process all this but Oregano continues.

“Sorry for your son, one of your sons, one of your dozens of sons. I’m sure he meant a lot to you and you remember everything about him. However, there is many humans at this farm, they come out of their own warren unpredictably, without warning. The scouts were held up underneath this place so now they know where they came from. So we probably won’t be able to hide them there again.” rambles Oregano.

“There is a dog too” interjects Mint.

“There is the bloodthirsty dog that almost ate Mint before Mint was able to magick it to death.” adds Oregano.

“Magick it you say?” Asks the king curiously

“Yea mint has the gift of magic and she was able to destroy a dog!” throws in oregano before Mint can speak up.

“No! It was a special blend of herbs. It’s an old rabbit recipe.” Mint interjects. “it also makes husband buns shut up for a while” adds Mint with a mutter.

“Really? Would it work on the queen? If so I would reward you greatly for this recipe.

Mint slides over a leaf with some bun writings on it and the king accepts it with great gratitude and makes a note that her next allocations should be doubled.

“There is a lot of food growing but it has humans and dogs roaming it.” adds Two.

“and asshole birds” piles on Mint.

“Also great mechanical beasts that devour everything.” perks up HeyYou.

“All right, thank you for all this information. I have much to ponder now about our prediciments and how we should go forward. I will speak with my advisors and get back to you. You are all great heroes to the warren and your deeds are greatly appreciated. Bunnies will say your names for generations.” He says, but without his normal fanfare. Even as he speaks he is still clearly shaken. He sends the team out and into the warren.

The buns all decide to slide out and find the berry “bar”. Oregano decides to try to take the berry tender to tell them that the team is to have all they can have by order of the king but the tender is not buying such a story from the regular Oregano. However mint slips in and is able to convince them, so the team all has fermented berries on the kings “payroll”

Character Progression

As this is the major stopping point there is upgrades all about. Everyone gets an extra Refresh point.


Is out. He’s gone to NPC land and is retired from PC play


Coming in to replace HeyYou. A scout, an up an coming newly graduated trainee from the top of the class. However he has some trust issues and arrogance.

  • High Aspect: I have to be the fastest
  • Trouble: “I currently don’t trust you t”


  • Changing Trouble aspect to “Sober but Jaded”. He’s sobered up with all this work but he’s jaded
  • Swaps Will & Deceive skills
  • bank the skill point


  • purchasing a stunt “The weight of reputation” as relates to having seen the jaws of death.
  • No other changes
  • bank the skill point


  • Swapping Provoke & notice Skills
  • bank the skill point
  • buys the stunt “Killing Strike for the refresh gained


  • Move all the wiki stuff to the blog to make it easier for everyone to access it
  • Sat Dec 9th 1:00pm Next Game
  • Oregano would like the next area to be harder
    • More consequences
    • Death
  • Two digs the current rampup
  • Mint liked the upgrade proccess
  • Two didn’t actually understand stunts till now *GM needs to keep in mind training on the system
  • Player feedback for where they’d like the game to go, or what they don’t want more.
    • would like to see the farm less and more areas
    • wouldn’t mind seeing the garden again
    • Australia hard mode game? no

Rad Rabbit Raid 8

Oregano puffs up some and goes to alert, thumping out to all the other buns to warn them about the dog still chewing on the bone. Mint scrambles into her bag for a moment and pulls out her herbal concoction from earlier, a sedative laced dog treat! She pulls it out, waving to the dog to pull it’s attention with all she can.

HeyYou sees the dog getting his attention to the party and decides to herd the party of weary buns back, pulling them and leading them right back under the porch. Two slides up to join Mint & Oregano, putting himself into an attack position.

The large golden retriever pauses from where it is gnawing on the sizable bone of the beat before it as it sees Mint waving to him and all the buns lined up like a buffet. It growls and lunges down the whole team now with teeth snarling.

Oregano does a over the bun roll on Mint, slipping to flank alongside her with Two now. Mint flicks the treat up and the large set of canine teeth snap forward audibly, coming down just in front of her nose as the dog catches the treat out of sheer habit. Mint eeps and goes right into shock right there as the canine gnashes and gnaws on the treat in front of her.

Mind finds her aspect “I have looked into the jaws of death”

Two and Oregano both grab up Mint as the Dog growls deeply and pounces at Two, trying to catch the buns with his paws. The dog however missing by a good bit as Two skips out of the way of the slightly woozy dog. Both these two bunnies pull Mint by the tail and with all they have drag her back behind the porch.

The dog growls out something fierce and pounces but misses hard, flying into hit the lattice work of the patio head first with a hard whimper. Oregano sneaks up to the corner, super carefully and wriggles about. Right before he noses about there is a little whine and he pauses… then sliide out and peeks to see the dog lying asleep. It kicks a little each once and a while and whines but it’s out.

Mint has fully come too now and gasps. “I’m fully covered in dirt! What happened? Oh yea.” She takes a bit to quickly clean herself as Oregano reports back his findings. Down under the porch HeyYou has managed to calm everyone and composed under the porch. With a quick thump they are all lead out.

Oregano gets a plan together. “Ok, so we need to tell them all Mint and Oregano defeated another dog and then I’ll get all the berries I want!” Everyone uhms and just nods a bit at that.

HeyYou however is still not cool with going back by the dog and wants to go the long way back. Oregano stands down HeyYou, trying to will him to go but the scout bunny cannot be pushed into going past that dog so easily. However Mint slides in and with a little close rapport and maybe a flirt from earlier HeyYou caves in and decides to follow down the team.

The team lines up like before Oregano, Mint, the 5 old scouts, HeyYou, & Two on the rear. The scurry along past the sleeping dog and past the kitchen door. They manage to make it back to the barred dirt road and they all pause, the scouts all wound up. The buns listen and they can tell the beast you can’t see coming is about but off.

They all decide to make a dash and most of the buns make it safely but one of the buns, Marcus trips and flails a bit. Before anyone else can jump in to help there is the roar of the beast as in a flash before anyone can see it coming the sound and flash happens, leaving the poor bunny horribly destroyed int he dirt road.

The other buns slip into the tall grass of the field and look about now. They know it’s dusk so owls and other birds of prey are ready. They don’t find anything too close and weave their way all the way to the burrow! all pushing inside to get back to safety.


  • Blogs are moved to the new site
    • How much wiki is used?
    • Mostly recaps
    • Want to use it for more, but it’s not as important b/c in person game
    • Maybe going to move wiki
    • Blog really should have comments.
    • new blog theme very mobile friendly
  • Next session is the end of this Arc so there will be powering ups
  • Oregano liked the ramped up difficulty and pace of the challenges
  • Oregano really likes FateCORE since the system never feels it’s in the way.
    • He feels he’s challenged by the game, not the system the game is on
    • GM really is starting to like fateCore more and more.
    • Mint really loved fate too
    • HeyYou likes the storytelling focus for B&B
  • Mint got a new aspect “I have looked into the jaws of death”
  • HeyYou feels everyone grew into the game a lot.
  • Some people might want to roll a new character
  • No session next week because HeyYou & DM are out

Rad Rabbit Raid 7 (Mint Episode)

Two limps over to Mint, pleading for help. She manages to craft together some pain killer and bandaging for his hurt hips and legs. The party all slips down under into the makeshift pot under the house.

Oregano slips up to the lattace though, sitting there for a bit and really studying the horror that crawls the earth. He takes a while to notice that it lumbers without aim or mission, rolling through the large stalks and eating up the earth. A healthy bun could likely outrun it without too much issue. He also pauses and notes it never leaves the stalks, devouring only them and then turning before hitting open ground. It only requires a sacrifice of these and desires no less or more it seems. He slips down to the team and talk out his findings now.

Everyone decides to split up all the food in everyone’s bags and the sleep out the rest of the day. bun sleeping picture

By the late day, near dusk time starts to settle onto the day the great rumbling god seems to amble away, and things settle down until the footsteps of humans appear and scramble above everyone slowly as they move about. The constant sounds of humans explain why the buns are indeed a bit wore out.

Two decides to go explore up under the porch quickly and notices a large human ambling about, almost like it’s searching and and hunting about the porch area. He immediately decides to scramble down and let everyone know. Oregano decides to look about under the house, really see if there is other ways out. He finds a lot of open area but he finds a place where the buns are trying to make a second exit.

While they are planning about a very bright cool light floods down a bit, right from the patio area. It’s hard to see the source but it’s coming from up there. Oregano talks to the other buns quick, trying to get them to help him work this other hole quick. Bay has a hurt paw but three of the other five are up to help them. The earth is heavy and clotted, a bit damp but still best to make. The material in the way seems to resist bunny claws. Oregano asks about any other animals like mice. Marcos noticed that there has been a few mice but he hasn’t seen where they come or go. All the mice are usually very high strung and not friendly as they are also dealing with human problems and lots of traps.

All the while Oregano is working on this Mint feels the compulsion to follow the light, it’s extremely flattering to her fur and complexion and everyone else is just so busy. Two notices this and tries to call her out but she decides to slip up right unto the light. She slides up into the beam right on her now and then suddenly the light shifts away and there is a large human face right down here. She puts on her charm and seems to bewilder and gin approval from the human as it enraptures into her visage for a moment. Two slips up, trying to talk and get Mint away from the human. The one who’s attention he gets the most of is the human though.

The human is a bit startled by this, making odd sounds, and then it suddenly reaches out with it’s large claw. Two throws himself into the great claw of human before it can get Mint. It has him by the pained haunches, flailing and squeaking some in discomfort. It tries to pull him through the hole, tugging Two right up to it but realizes that it’s not getting the big bunny though the hole. It finally releases Two and then starts to walk away now.

Hey You slips up to see Mint glaring a Two for stealing her spotlight, the bigger bunny up against the exit. Mint pounces at Two and sees if she can chase down the audience but Two decides he’s not going anywhere and she bounces off him. Two decides since he is here, being a guard for the human and… hey he also decides to dig at the hole so he can get out. He looks out some as he digs, and even though he can feel Mint burning holes in his ears with her glaring he doesn’t see too much out there, it seems to be settling down.

Hey You also puts out some ears and tries to see what is out and about; he doesn’t hear so much until he catches his least favorite sound in the world, a bark. He goes flying down into the faux warren screaming about a dog. This quickly winds everyone up down there, distracting the buns who were trying to dig as Hey You is fleaking out about a dog. Oregano sees everyone going nuts and thinks about it. He turns to Mint;

“Mint do you wanna calm all these poor buns down?”

“I dunno, do I?”

They have words amongst each other and finally Oregano manages to talk Mint into helping calm everyone. “oh kay oh kay”

Mint slips down with a bit of a huff but then puts on the charm. She bounds about slowly, showing off and gives them a good talking to. It’s not too long before she has all eyes on her and has everyone all calmed down. In fact it’s not long before she even has Hey You and Bay just about completely enraptured and enamored in her, outright developing a crush on her.

Oregano is not amused by all this and sighs, hopping back up to the porch to listen out, neither Oregano and Two both not hear a dog nor very much. Just less than many humans in the house and a bit of life out in the yard.

“There is something on the wind” says Oregano.

“ok” hums out Two blankly.

Oregano slips in and the two buns work all they can to get the hole dig out, and in a small amount of time they manage to dig out the hole to a good size. All the while down in the warren it’s still very much Mint time, the other six buns all eyes on her.

Two wants to test this hole out and be extra sure. He looks about carefully to poke his nose and ears out. He noses and ears right up and finds it’s a Quiet Evening out. The humans have settled down, dusk is falling over the area making it that perfect time between daytime predators and nighttime ones. It’s just a nice quiet evening with them and the bugs. He then wriggles out the hole and pops right out into the wide wide open, a single large rabbit out fully in the open with his ears up high and peering all about oh so tensely in the quiet evening. He does his best mint impression, doing his “look at me” impression and then slips right back in. Two slips down looking for food but realizes that after all that work the feed was all eaten earlier in the day and the buns are now out.

Dusk is about the area and Oregano rallies the troops and most agree (well actually most agree with Mint at the moment and Mint also thinks the plan is to go). Oregano slips himself out and puts his best into it, ears up and nose twitching as eyes scan the area, all senses on alert. He sees it’s a quiet evening. The house has gone more quiet, not all the humans even active now. He catches a good wiff of the humans eating preparation ritual, always something with strong smells when they do. There is some owls off on the distance, possibly out by big red, and then somewhere in the distance he catches the hint of a dog. It’s a quiet evening.

He slips in and talks it out with everyone. Everyone goes through if they should slip back the way they came or if they should attempt to go down past the big red and through the garden and down to the river. They chat it out and all decide to slide back around the house past the kitchen to backtrack their way back. They decide Oregano, Mint, the five scouts, Hey You, and Two in the rear.

The buns all file out of the porch, slipping around the corner to roll past the kitchen and it is no longer a Quiet Evening, because right outside the back door is the dog.


  • This was the PvP party
  • Everyone was really burning their fate coins too which is great
  • Mint taking a fate coin for grabbing a compel for her “all eyes on me” was really great and added some good spice to the scene
    • It made everything far more interesting
    • which is why Fate has all aspects be usable as a compel as well
    • Anyone, not just the GM can also pull compels against aspects to get extra fate points.
  • Been ramping up the challenge and harroingness of this.
  • Why is the dog all the boss fight
    • Humans are mostly distractions
    • Dogs are really dangerous
  • The will throw down was fun, there was a lot of in party quick contest
  • Spoopy Special One Off sometime in October possibly
  • Whytewolf will be missing for saltconf
    • Please post in channel
  • D.O.S. will also be missing some for work travel, next weekend

Rad Rabbit Raid 6 (Comic relief episode)

With the human approaching the rabbits all freeze for a quick moment. It’s approaching with a meandering thud on the porch. The rabbits all realize that they are in the path of the human. Two and Oregano have a rapid argument but Two and Hey You both panic and decide to bolt hard.

In the panic Two and Hey You however both run ACROSS the stairs of the patio, drawing the attention of the smaller than before human, about the size of a smaller wolf. It takes a run, flying at the two. Two splits, bolting in the other direction while Hey You dashes down alongside the back of the house. The human is not lost in pursuit though gaining on him. He takes a skidding stop and doubles back, dashing through the humans legs and trying to make a b-line for the hole.

Having watched all this from under the porch Oregano puffs up, he doesn’t want their position given away by Hey You. He devises a plan and throws himself to the hole and digs in, blocking Hey You’s rapid approach at the very last minute. Hey You flies into the lattice and Hey You, looking like he just sharp turned and faceplanted a wall like a daft dog. Only at this moment does the human stop and make a rambunctious sound, not unlike a cawing crow when it gets it’s way, Cawing at Hey You. The dazed Hey You shakes his head and decides to keep dashing, just running down alongside the house now.

Two takes advantage of this, flying at the human, using his power drive he is known for. He flies up and throws his feet out and takes the human down with his blow. The human begins to wail out loudly, flailing about. Two decides this is the best time to get away and attempts to scramble free but the flailing human makes it hard to get a foothold. Two hardly manages to get tot he dirt but the human rolls over and grabs at Two without claws or fangs but tries to smother him. Two panics and chomps down on the human’s narrow clawless toe. The human screeches out the most horrid wailing squeal, not unlike a mauled animal. In the next moment Two discovers flight, floating through the air before he manages to flip a little and WHUMPS into the dirt, landing on his feet. The wailing human flees rapidly, running out into the field and down past the house, following the dirt road.

A silence fills the area as the wailing runs off into the distance.

Oregano and Two meet back up at the hole, chatting about and trying to plan the next move. Even taking some time to really think about it he can only shave a bit of time off of digging the hole. However a pressing issue is that the 5 buns trapped down here need food and waiting for nightfall is still the best plan. Two decides to go around the house and try to find more food, literally running right into the still dashing Hey You.

Meanwhile Oregano thumps back to Mint, who comes up cautiously. They talk out about how they decided to roll another human and won, and then also are going for food, so we need to have a chill and work on this hole.

Two and Hey you first head over to the forrest of stalks. Two looks up to the tall leaves and takes a few hops to try to get the leaves. Once he finally grabs one he finds it super tough and not that great food. He can’t jump high enough to reach the top of the stalks where there is bigger buds. They decide to head back towards the Giant Red, where it was so full of food. They take a great dash across the open field without issue and make it to the Giant Red. However the cavernous entrance on the Big Red is completely gone! Two grasps with this for a few moments and decides to go around to the garden.

Hey You investigates for a softer area to dig to get into the garden but Two manages to pop the gate open and get himself and Hey You into the garden. They quickly find some cabbage to stuff their bags. Hey You eats all his current food and both the buns pack their bags and head out of the garden easy peasy. Or so they would hope.

The moment they step out of the garden a great rumbling overtakes the ground. Everyone can feel the great rumbling but it is closer to the garden. The trapped bunnies become agitated and worried as they have felt this before but do not know where these monster comes from or where it goes. It has made great passes before. Two and Hey You both run back into the garden and take cover. Oregano, still digging pauses and slips over to the other end of the porch and listens close. Oregano hears the high pitched wailing sounds of a giant mechanical abomination, crawling across the earth and destroying everything in it’s path. The type of mechanical beast that devours all earth and leaves nothing but the soil upset in it’s path.

Oregano thumps and calls up Mint and they discuss what is coming, Shira, the death rolling over soil.

Two and Hey You decide to bold for it, making for the porch. Two has the fear of buns in him and throws his existence into running all the way from the garden to the hole in the Porch lattice. Hey You lags a bit behind but chases with all he has. As Two is running he sees to the side, seeing the rotating slicing maw of god itself rending plants and the earth to barren soil. Two flies with everything he has, juking to adjust his trajectory and flies into the hole, that Oregano never finished digging. With a porch rattling kathwump Two wedges himself hard enough to invoke a solid hurt on his hips.


Hey You runs up behind Two and decides to take a flying kick into Two’s bottom, trying to kick him through the lattice but only manages in invoking all the more pain for Two.

“no seriously ow”

Two tries to kick back just as Oregano runs up and grabs at him, trying to pull Two back inside. Two relaxes and Hey You pushes with all he has while Oregano tugs and with a yelp and a pop Two pops through the lattice.

“Here is food, I’m going to go sit in the corner and cry” says Two before he limp hops deep in as the great rumbling grows in volume.


  • I need to recap faster ;p
  • Gary Numan was baller background music
  • We should have a pizza roll party session
  • New Aspect for Two from having convinced himself he as solo defeated multiple humans solo
    • Unafraid of Humans
  • Lots of fun
    • need to get back into the flow a little
  • Hey You enjoyed being the A team for once
  • Need to stop shouting out out of character what people should do.

Rad Rabbit Raid 5

Two continues doing his best hat stand impression for a little bit and then heads back into the kitchen, with it’s glassy smooth floors and it’s very odd human style everything, an old farmhouse kitchen with it’s tile floors and counters. He notices the open window and then looks all about and figures out if he makes a hop from chair, to table, boucne off the back of a chair and land on a counter which would get him near the window.

While he is figuring out Mint & Oregano talk it out, planning how they will try to save their partner. Oregano looks about, realizing he’s along the backside of the house and he can see back to the burrow from the top of the bins almost.

Two takes his go at it, jumping from a chair up to the table. He takes is running leap and just barely makes his springboard to catch the counter. However he slides hard on the tile and slams into the backsplash of the counter, hitting himself hard to the head and hurting himself. After having a quick thump talk with Oregano through the wall he slips up and hops just enough to catch the windowstil, first getting a look to Oregano.

They have a short exchange, the frantic Oregano shouting to Two while her tries to sneak his way out. A solid kick throws him out the window… or would if his bottom wouldn’t get stuck. Hanging with bottom up and legs kicking in the air he hangs and sways from the window. “Hey”.

Oregao jumps up and grabs him, Two kicking and flailing all about till they get him to POP out and take a roll, managing to look like he ment to do that afterwards.

The team sits back and talks out their plan and all walk around, except for HeyYou, who forgot why he was hiding and went the other way. The main party finds a large patio for the front porch with a wooden lattice around it. Oregano has seen this shit before and looks all about, knowing you can usually can get in under these and finds a good hole in. Mint slips in and takes a sniff, finding bunnies by scent. Oregano and Mint slip in but Two realizes that he can’t fit without some digging.

HeyYou slips to the long back of the house, finding a large wall with a lot of windows. Away from the house is a forrest of green stalks, swaying in the wind, a huge forrest of these new plants farther than he can see.

Oregano thumps out a hello and gets back a reply! Oregano remembers a name of a missing scout and thumps out looking for Dave.

“Dave’s not hear man! Not anymore”

“are you the scouts?”

“What’s left of them!”

Mint realizes she notices that cadence of thump. It’s a hopalite she had worked with a few times. She thumps to let them know it’s Mint and they are excited.

Oregano tries to get Two to dig in but he realizes it’s not going to be an easy dig to get the hole to the right size, it will definitely take time. Instead Two goes to find HeyYou and get him up to date on the fact they found the buns.

Mint slips deep under the house and finds many buns; The buns are frightened but so happy to see Mint. They talk about how they were trapped, so many of them lost to the dog and the giant mechanical beasts. Mint casually explains how she is the rescue party and she has found safe routes back home. They are shocked to find out how they have managed to even defeat a dog.

Oregano hops up to see hello when he hears the chatter and sunflower pops up. “Oh! it’s Oregano, hey man, we don’t have any berries.”

The scouts talk more about how three have been lost to humans.

Two & Hey You slips back to the hole under the patio.

Oregano plans on having them all come back now but the scouts are afraid, they speak of the beast you can’t see coming, a loud horror that approaches so fast you can’t see it coming before it overtakes and kills you, taking huge bites into rabbits before fleeing. Oregano grills them more, but they don’t know where it’s lair is, they know ti comes by, scouting this area several times a day. Oregano & Mint recommend the scouts stay there for a little longer while they plan.

Meeting up at the lattice with Two and HeyYou they swap experiences. Two is eager and ready to get them to go but Oregano is more cautious, the buns are in bad shape, scared, and hungry. He recommends them to all to wait till nighttime since they will have an advantage. Two and Oregano decide to dig out the hole so everyone can hide underneath the house with the rest of the buns.

However as Oregano and Two are working they all start hearing those thumps, the heavy footsteps.

The front door opens and the door guard swings open, and out steps a human.


  • Doom GURPS
    • trying to do from side of demons having some issues
    • Play the new game to get all the lore about the Doomslayer
    • Murder Mystery? someone let out the doomslayer and you need to find out who and why.
  • Snacks were really good (lay’s poppables)
  • DM is slowing ramping up the difficulty
    • Raul also feels it could be a little harder
  • The session was really fun, everyone had fun.

Rad Rabbit Raid 4

Upon returning the team immediately gets an audience with the king, recapping their travels and presenting the food they found. The King is worried by this and concerned. HeyYou presents his stash of berries they also found to the king, only to have them carefully swiped from him by Oregano, snuck away and quickly forgotten. The king was more concerned about what caused the buns to disappear. He beseeches the team to head back out and try to find a safe route to to gather and return the food and if possible find out what happened to all the other teams as well as. If you can’t find them find out why. He’s worried that there is something we can’t find snatching buns.

They decide to go out tomorrow, spending the night in the burrow;

  • Two noms all the berries and chill.
  • HeyYou pours out his hay from before and rolls in it all night before bed.
  • Mint grooms herself for most of the night and then works on her herbalism, building up things, she gets a great success.
  • Oregano eats all his fermented berries and then puts the berries he had in for fermenting

Early before the sun rises the team meets up and tries to make a plan. HeyYou scouts out the BigRed from where it is and also finds the other buildings. They quickly head down to it, it’s the color of clouds, like right before a storm. They find themselves a riven of sand, harder packed that normal and filled with waves but still. Just barren land. The buns follow it down the way to the grey building best they can but eventually they fine it splits and blocks their way to the building now. Everyone takes a long time, sitting out and listening carefully with all that is going on. There is a powerful large low rumbling something like a mammoth beast like never before but it seems faint and far away. They stiff the road and down the road there is no scents either. Two decides to take a mad dash and then HeyYou also gives quite a scramble. Mint and Oregano both blink and then just casually hop themselves across the road.

They have reached the house. Oregano has seen this shit before. He looks all about the wall they are at. He’s super sure this is a house, a human main warren. He’s sure that they are right outside the chamber where they prepare and devour their food. There is a wooden hutch for storing their trash and not too far from that a window. Oregano decides to hop up onto the hutch and then makes his way up. Sadly he still can’t reach the slightly ajar window. Everyone can scent human fooding. Two joins Oregano to help him and with a bit of a wobble Oregano gets up on Two’s shoulders, standing up on hind legs together and peers into that window. Oregano can tell the room is unoccupied and when he listens and sniffs he’s sure there is another human somewhere in the home but not near. He spots two more exits, an open passageway from the kitchen and what is likely a door in from the outside since early morning sun shines through it. He decides not to jump in from there though.

Mint meanwhile sneaks around the house and finds stone steps that lead up to now what she is more or less aware is a door with a type of latch. Once Oregano is done Two slips down and follows after Mint upon reporting of what she found back to the crew, finding the door and deciding he can likely do his thing like with the barn door with this. Two takes his run but the steps get into the way, he hits the door with a good hard thud but he still manages to get his weight up under the handle and get the door to crack open for him. Two decides to push right in and looks into the house, however he hears the approaching foodsteps thudding towards him. He finds some legs like a branch and he ducks under his partial cover, pressing to the wall. HeyYou wedges himself into the nook at the foundation of the house and the steps. Mint decides to just “act casual” and nibble some grass.

The lumbering beast of a human strides right past Two and pokes out of the open door. It pauses and looks all about, scanning Mint with a catious eye before disregarding her. It closes the door tight with a clack and then lumbers away back into the recess of the house. Two finds himself closed into the house, the human still inside.

Everyone poops.


  • The dice (and cards) were really mean
    • Rub burnt sage on them and take them on a hike ;p
    • Hang a crystal over them
    • Do all the things in Granola you totally suck at cooking (watch this) ;p
  • Also Ponies: The Antholigy is the best one yet (it’s at LEASt as good as the first)
    • SKWRL hasn’t’ watched ponies since the second season
  • to be clear using the provided dice/cards are not necessary
    • People can use their own fate/fudge/d6 dice
    • There is cool apps that Sage found
    • RPG Automails is maker of the app that
    • Sage found all the dice on the amazon
  • SKWRL runs another GURPS game
    • The shotgun is annoying
  • Raul would consider ALSO doing a Doom GURPS
    • Whyte also would do that
    • SKWRL will brainstorm up one
    • Sage wants to be a uncommonly friendly cacodemon.
  • Session was mostly really good. No one really got last

Rad Rabbit Raid 3

The team having meet up at the back of the large house examines it’s way out. After looking into the door more Oregano realizes he’s seen these kind of these special latches. The rust of the buns examine about the area, trying to figure out how to get through the small crack in the wall. HeyYou spends this time licking about the crack, only to discover it’s horribly tasting, acrid to the tongue.

Oregano tries to talk otu all out solutions with the buns, putting together a plan. All the while 2 steps back slowly, sizing up the bar and the door. He then charges at the door like he is trying to take down a dog. He flies at the door with his leap, he hit the door with an epic slam and rattle, his momentum carrying him upward in a sort of wall jump. He slams head first into this bar and it jumps and leaps. The walls shake heavily and suddenly the wall waves agap.

Two realizes his new Aspect “My butt is two big”, his ability to both throw his weight around when it’s needed at the cost of that big bun rump

Haven broken free the buns survey their landscape. They come out in a clear sunny day. There is definitely humans in the air though. The buns realize they are back to the back side of the large red house. Oregano convinces the team it’s time to head home before it gets to dark now, return the food to the king and then recoup (with his berries).

The buns quickly realize through that the gate is closed again. With a good twist and kick Oregano gives a good kick and pops the gate into the garden so the buns are easily able to slide into the garden. They find that there is a new human in the garden, and this one is not still, but moving and diggign about the plants. There is no mistaking it’s the real deal. It’s not so big that they cover the garden but it quickly is apparent the only way though will be through the berry section where they ran into the crows earlier.

Oregano pulls the team together. There is a human over there… but we can’t go all around through the berry patch because of reasons. He hatches a plan to have HeyYou sneak past the human and distract it from the back, have it turn away so that Mint can turn again, then Two and Oregano can slip by in the confusion. Two however just wants to take the easy way through the berry patch. HeyYou just wants to stick with Oregano. The team debates on, Two about to wander off and HeyYou deciding to just do Oregano’s idea.

At this point Mint is tired of being ignored when she is trying to explain her plan. She flies into a puffed furred tantrum of “you will pay attention to me”. She barks out her orders with fiery command. HeyYou and Two are going through the berries and Oregano will tail behind her, she is distracting the human and as soon as she does Oregano slips past the human. The other rabbits all cower for a moment and nod, following all orders. Mint doesn’t really wait for them and starts hop stomping right up to the human, all flustered and puffed out, her grumpy bun face on max. She marches right up to the towering human and them pauses, remembering her own plan to distract and then gazes up at the titan of a human.

The human makes the oddest of sound, almost bedazzled. It moves slowly, or so slowly putting down it’s weird implement. With an eerie slowness the human lurches down over mint and carefully scoops up Mint while the doe challenges the human. In a moment suddenly Mint is hoisted up in the air, enwrapt in the limbs of the huge human. Mint while surrounded in the warm embrace adn the scent of freshly tilled plants and soil takes a melm, tasting at the human. Mint’s legs are hanging and ears twitching from the enormous embrace of the pred.

With a gasp of shock both Two and Oregano at the same time and from separate angles (two managed to make it mostly around in his haste to get away from angry mint) decide to charge down the human and save their friend and teammate from being completely devoured. They leap and charge down the human at the same time, running down a pincher. The human is oblivious of as the rabbit’s slide through the rush like raptors. Two catches the human in the back of it’s lower limbs with a flying bun-fu kick which manages to cause it’s visage to lurch forward just a bit. He follows up using his initiative to bite into the back of it’s feet, working to sink sharp teeth but finding the hide of human far far tougher than expected, almost like a live root. Oregano catches the beast just after Two right in belly area. It makes a gasped cry out, the shocked wail of a human in straits. It takes it’s hand and strokes and paws all over Mint’s head, pushing her ears back before it wobbles and lifts it’s “injured” foot Two is biting on while looking at Oregano. There is a pause, the last gasps of a assaulted human as it teeters down like it is about to go to all fours and releases Mint to Oregano. It makes the odd “frightened” sound of a human cornered by strong bunnies.

The Human however produces a new odd human device, waving it about at you three as it struggles to stay alive. Two however decides to show compassion to the cornered human, sparing it’s life and using the time to hop back toward the back where the original dug hole was; the rest to follow. It gives chase with it’s device, seeking revenge. However Two is unwilling to give it a second chance, running about mind and in front of the human to give it a warning. It makes odd moves and sounds but seems to know it will not grab at anyone.

Oregano has second thoughts about those berries, they just smell good and he is so stressed out. Two is having none of anyone anymore, catching Oregano in a bun carry move and hauling his complaining flufftail back to the hole and pushing him through after Mint. HeyYou grabs up himself a few berries and then give chase to Two right after Two reminds him;

“Three minutes.”

They look out to the clearing at noon, the river flowing and less animals about; bags full of food (HeyYou also having berries and carrot)


  • This Session was really good
  • It was a bit harder to follow last session but this one was better.
    • SKWRL is working on calling out description and locations more.
  • SKWRL needs to try to take into account hearing rage and ability more when the players work to notice and do checks.
    • The hearing of the human should have been a thing when notice.
    • Even a +1 or +2 should be good for ranged hearing.
    • may ask for what directions you want to hear
    • Ask for listening or maybe a notice stunt

Rad Rabbit Raid 2

Hey You runs deep into the cave and decides to find somewhere to hide yipping and all about the dog in a huge panic. With this Two decides to poke his head out of the barn himself and scout the dog and figure out what he should do. He finds a mid sized dog upwind so it can’t smell them. Either way it seems distracted scampering around doing all it’s carefree pred things.

Two decides to stand guard and watch the dog while Mint and Oregano research the hay more. Large cube bales are a few bunnies from the walls along the left hand side and tower up very high.

Mint looks into trying to figure out how it’s all held together and she pulls in Oregano to help her figure out how to create a hay trap to drop the hills of hay down on the dog. Oregano sniffs about finds the way to set this all up and also works to try to find a good way to climb up and nibble more and look about.

Meanwhile Hey You is digging further into the hay piles.

With a solid idea in place Oregano calls Two and Mint together and they all decide on a solid plan; They will try to find another way out, however in case the the dog comes in too close they are going to set up a big hay trap. In case things go bad Two will lure the dog in down the passage of hay and Mint and Oregano will snap all these supports and cause the food to pour down and trap the dog, or at least scare it off.

Two heads back to his post and Oregano starts to nibble and climb his way up setting up their trap while Mint heads deep down the passage to find another door. Mint has to go a far far way but after making two right turns and climbing she comes out the other side of the massive cavern of hay and wall. She sees a lot of weird things but also a peer of light, possibly a good gap they can squeeze through to get out, checking to digging the floor is super packed so digging will be hard.

Hey you, having long forgotten why he is hiding has a snack.

Oregano however find himself at the top of the mountain of food and looks all about. It’s so high up and massive. He can tell the hay runs all along the entire left side of the barn, the middle has a lot of weird things and human brikerbrak and then down along the farthest wall is the hose notches. He checks to the sky and there is some cracks of light but it looks like all those rafters are a bit far, a dangerous jump.

As Mint is heading back to the trap spot the dog gets very close to Two and the entrance. Realizing that it’s now time time Two thumps out with all he has “it’s going down” and everyone springs into action. Two runs down the dog hard before he notices Two. With the charge of a wild bore Two tears at the dog enough to startle the wits of it. Throwing down a pivot leg he spins in air and gives a flying air kick to the dead nose. The dog is bowled over and takes a hard hit to the nose. While the dog is stunned and stumbling Two starts to scramble back to the trap point like he was told. The dog sees the fleeing dog and with all the yipping and yapping it tears after Two.

Mint and Oregano have scrabbled back and have the trap ready. Working together they bite out everything as Two flies by. As Mint and Oregano scamper away there is a giant rumble like the world has begun to shake. Everything shifts and there is a roaring like the most dangrous river rapids as hay and dust flood the air. The sound of startled horses is drowned out as the world behind them, including the dog, is swallowed up in a roar of food. There is no trace of dog anymore.

Two, really wants to go home at this point, or at least get out. However the way back is gone, an insurmountable wall of hay fills the passage they were in and blocks off all sight of the original door. Using a thump they manage to get ahold of each other. The team heads twards the crack. Using some thumplocation Hey You manages to catch up with there just wondering what the hell is going on.

“Lunch”, says Oregano.

“I kicked a dog in the face” beams Two.

“There was a dog?” asks Hey You.

“Not any more though” reassures Two rapidly.

“It dissapeared” notes Mint.

“The food ate the dog” Oregano says.


  • As we were running late there was no feedback session.
  • D.O.S. SKWRL needs to set a timer to remind him of the impending time at 45 minutes
  • Anyone who has ANY feedback should reply to this blog post as a comment.
  • If private feedback as desired pinging D.O.S. SKWRL on telegram is preferred.

Rad Rabbit Raid 1

Hey you, Two, Oregano, & Mint all are called into the King’s chamber. flanked by guards

Many bunnies have been sent out for food and we have not been back for many days, not a moon. I need you to find out what happened to them and find a new stash of food.

Why are we here? asks Hey you.

The king asks Two to remind him what he just said until they leave the chamber. After a quick exchange the King throws them all out in a bout of fustration.

Mint takes the lead and guides the buns out to the river. At early in the morning they all grab some grass and water along the river.

Mint knows one of the Elk getting water. He lets her know there has been a lot of rabbits underfoot and around by the big red, expecially by the new fence.

Hey You take a wander, walking right towards the big red and new fence. Away from the river anzd sun he finds food and humans stuff, a big fence, recengtly reinforced.

Hey you doubles back to grab the party and they all take to the fence with a any bunny fence, but after some investigation finds a weasle hole. Two was able to dig his way down through.

A farmland garden of food! Rows and rows of different greens! However Oregano also find berries! He makes a hard left and runs himself to berry bushes and some grapes. The only problem is crows are starting a ruckus. Oragano and Two head over and are cut off by three agressive blackbirds saying some angry things you can’t say. It’s a turf war.

Oregano is having a struggle of will, he wants those beries bit not this fight. He has a self check and is helped by mint who cuffes him to get him with his ears on straiught they decide to double back.

Looking out to the big red they all notice a Human towering between them and the big red. No one smells humans but they sure do see it. Hey You takes a dodge through the gardens and fails, taking a huge tumble and lands on his butt right in front of the human! However the bird smelling human just looms over him. He attacks it with a solid kick but it just shakes. Mint figures this is a human doll like the mendicine dolls she makes for kits.

They look forward and find rabbit tracks going twards the big red now. THey cross the garden without event but find food. Hey You also stashes some food in his bag.

Wow the big red is… HUGE. It’s bigger and brighter than anything they have ever seen. Oraganao suddenly realizes… it’s a HOOSE! It’s where humans are! It’s a human warren.

The sun comes up more and the wind shifts. Suddenly from the area there is all the grass, food, in the world. It’s so strong. There is also some cloven animals and some other weird scents, lots of scents.

They head over to the big red hugeness. Attribute “THis isn’t normal”

They fidn there is another fence! wait… there is more of it! Oregano crawls along it but he finds something he knows. a LATCH! He has Two take a leaping kick and manages to pop it! Cracking it open and giving access to the big red.

Downwind there is humans and maybe a dog but the big red is now accessable. Oregano is able to hop about and find’s the biggest entrance ever, it’s like entering a forrest.

With a heavenly sound he finds… ALL THE HAY! All the hay that has ever existed and all the hay that has ever been eaten. All of the food. Attribute: Hay Everywh. It’s an infinite of food.

It’s also very dark for being day. It’s a day with a dark sky.

Oragano goes wanding in the dark now. He’s so distracted by all of the food that he stumbles right onto a horse along the back wall in a weird mini half room. Mint scampers over to yump in. She manages to rappot the horse and he mentions this is his home and he’s waiting for those who care for him. He hasn’t seen any bunnies.

Figuring there is no more answers here they all decide to head out. Hey you goes to the door and takes a deep sniff at the door and then bolts with all he can to the back of the barn chipping out DOG DOG DOG DOG DOG. All while Mint sits and chews her hay.


  • We need to work on stunts and aspects for the game more
  • DM needs to help guide people to use their attributes and attributes on the scene.
    • Reroll dice after they don’t like a roll
    • take a +2
    • Compel something in the scene to the advantage
  • DM could help calling out scene/situations attributes more
  • Homework watch the video more and get more comfortable.

Rad Rabbit Raid Planning Session

Started with grilling, about 35-45 minutes

Did the TableTop RPG getting to know you game for everyone. One of the most notable aspects is that a 2-3 out of 5 on the campaign length scale is there. Not a lot of overlap, most people with a handful of experience playing. Also people want more on the storytelling and RP than system.

We discussed system sand play and have decided to play B&B on fate. D.O.S. SKWRL will need to do needed conversions and notes for things this week.

The game is Bunny & Burrows. The setting is where nearby to the warren has been an old farmhouse for as long as just about anyone remembers. Recently there has been strange activity inside it and spring has come and there is all sorts of amazing foods! However a few of the hoplite teams sent out for food have gone missing! The king is getting desperate. He doesn’t want to send the main Warren Watch team to maintain power during a worrysome time so he sends the B-Team, the best of the best of what he has left outside his guard.

We started the awesomeness that is the character building, but with the wrong cards which made DOS look dumb.

  • Oregano is a Drunken Engineer; He’s engrossed with the human world and all it offers. His trouble is haunted by his past (cadged) where he was a cadged bunny for a while and escaped but lost a friend
  • Mint is a Diva Healer; She’s a herbalist and uses her healing to help draw all the more attention to herself
  • Two is a dense brawler; a bit bullied as a kit he uses his strength and bun-fu skills to protect the warren and his family
  • HeyYou is a brain-broken scout; he’s driven by wanderlust and desire to explore the world


  • Watch the Will Weaton play’s fate video
  • Read/Skim Fate Core pdfs/books
  • Add everyone to fate Second of wiki
  • Review Skills/Stunts and character choices

Humans, Huberis, & the Hour of the fall


Cyberpunk corporate dystopia sabotage & subvert

Major Issues

  1. The United Corporations of America are overstepping their bounds and using people as resources to expend

Impending Issue

Nikkon has a plan to take down a large manufacturing plant in the town that is overstepping it’s resource usage and polluting the area.

Faces & Places

name issues
Reston Rezi Storr
River Dredd
Jackson Rezi’s old mentor
Nikkon Old Low-Tech
Toor Low-Tech, Nikkon’s “partner”


Fate Core w/ Interface Zero 2.0


  • All players are human or augmented humans
  • No No Psi or zeeps


skills are really cool
Academics Athletics Burglary Contacts
Deceive Empathy Fight Hack
Investigate Notice Physique Pilot
Provoke Rapport Resources Shoot
Stealth Survival Tech Will

Skill changes from Fate Core vanilla

  • Lore becomes Academics.
  • Crafts becomes Tech.
  • Drive becomes Pilot.
  • Add Hack.
  • Add Survival.

Subsections of Humans, Huberis, & the Hour of the fall

Precursor 1

The team meets up in this flashback when they were first recruited by Nikkon and Toor into the local Low-Tech works together. Nikkon wants to destroy the local power plant to cut off the manufacturing plant to the south of town that is overdrawing on resources and dumping a large amount of pollutants on it’s poor inhabitants.

The team quickly shows worry with this plan and the affect it can have on the locals. After a heavy back and forth they review the local area, what is known of the patrol routes, the maintenance & security bots, and then what tools they have available.

Rezzi really wants to work at attacking the supply routes and maybe even the supply managers but these don’t gain any traction with River or Nikkon, who is all but completely short with Rezzi and his ideas.

River figures he can use the laser cutter/drills they have both as cutters and also wielders to shut down access hatches and buy the team a lot more time.

After a lot of debate Billy drops a plan to destroy the cables bad enough to make the company rethink repairing and bringing the plant online and Nikkon makes some suggestions to the teams and a slight change, actually taking feedback from Rezzie to also go in and double down on sabotaging the factory directly.


  • This “before the start” game was more RP focused
  • Next game will be more action/combat
  • Everyone is having fun getting in.
  • It was not clear you can you your rolls to get “assistance” for things
    • Especially things like “remembering” or seeing if you “know something”
  • The golden rule is to decide what you want to do then check to see what skill you can use to do it.
  • You can use any skill in the game at level 0 to start


Factory & Routes Layout

Factory and routes Factory and routes

Closeup on the Power and Plant

Power lines and drone routes Power lines and drone routes

River Dredd Play Log


The Buyout

  • Leveraging the overwhelming advantage of money to drive legislation, Corporations become Persons according to the law. Individual personal rights have less meaning because individuals don’t band together to protect them and corporations can bring more resources to bear.

The Changeout

  • Most laws passed are in the favor of one or another corporation rather than the interests of the people. Citizen’s rights to privacy erode, not necessarily through amendments to the constitution but through lack of enforcement.

The Blackout

  • People, even Lo-teks have lost knowledge of the time this happened, but routes in/out of the US were dropped other than those controlled by government interests.
  • People still receive media, news and info, but it’s always filtered through the government.
  • It’s believed that this is when the lo-tek movement begun, although records are sparse at best. Word of mouth from people who were young at the time or rumor is all we know of the beginnings.

The Fallout

  • Corporations fighting and competing until there are only 2 major players in each category at most.
  • Social Media is noise to the point that (I stopped writing at this point and forget this part)

The Swap-Out

The government of the United States of America as a democratically representative republic has been subsumed into The United Corporations of America. Competing corporate interests, cutthroat business tactics motivated by personal gain and power determine the course of what laws there are, and the concept of citizenship falls by the wayside.

The Dropout

  • Due to a major raid on systems, the lo-tek history has been lost
  • Unauthorized information between 2020 and 2090 has been lost
  • Personal Identity and Privacy is the priority for the Lo-Tek group
  • We get info from a spy known as Pi, an in to AMEX’s databases which can cause an upset in the balance of power

Character Overviews

Reston “Rezzie” Storr

  • Awoke in a bunker in what appeared to be china, there was an explosion and no other living souls, more of a wasteland than what he remembers
  • Next thing he knows he’s arrived in a port in Seattle and got through customs?
  • Woke up to SYS_CORE_errorBEF-00 Critical Failure
  • Lapses in consciousness that have lasted for a shorter and shorter period but things like finding himself in major metro areas that he’s no longer familiar with.
  • Eventually he finds himself in the former party town of New Orleans where the corporate go on retreats, coming to realize that he wants to join up to fight with the lo-teks.
  • Raid on the lo-teks
  • “We’re securing the asset”
  • “We’ve almost eliminated the resistance”
  • His friend Jackson has died.


  • Corporate politics broke him, and he decided that he wanted to become a corporate imp. At first, he was just trying to get back by annoying people, but that escalated to the point that he got someone killed who was on the Lo-Tek radar.
  • Meeting River for the first time, we share a beer and have the Tyler Durden conversation (airplane friends). He notices my wound and asks if he can take me to a hospital. I say “No, no hospitals”, so he shares some of his drugs with me and helps me post up and rest a bit.

River Dredd

The Story So Far

  • There was a factory built near my Disconnected enclave outside Baton Rouge, which toxified farms&water. I reached out to my Lo-Tek contacts, and joined a team which gave the corporation a taste of its own medicine. I took an injury to my side, and one of my friends was killed on the run as a result.
  • I need to do more - I can’t just sit and watch.

Billy Comes Into the Picture

  • I ask to be dealt in the game, and am given a choice between HTX and NOLA. While I’m looking for a Disconnected medic to help me heal up, I run into Billy in a bar. He offers me a beer and tries to take me to a hospital. “Two pitchers in and you still can’t ask me for my help?
  • Reston gets an assignment to deliver some high-quality chems to a contact. When he comes into contact with Billy, Reston goes to hide, because he doesn’t know who the person is, and as he gets closer it’s obvious that it’s an unaltered human. I give Billy my assignment to pick up some high-quality chems, and we GTFO and split up.

Small Faction of Lo-Teks

  • 5 people - us and 2 others
  • First mission together


Session 2: 20180322

Back to the past


  • “Ok, go on” when we talk about how to divert power from the manufacturing area vs destroying the power plant.
  • Rumors Toor isn’t connected.


  • Ahead and behind the spear.

The Mission

  • Bringing us in on a trial. Women who are maybe in their 40s
  • Jackson (Rez’s pal) had them take out the commander of the supply groups, can we do something similar?
  • Factory details: Just another electronics factory - chips, electronics, consumer manufacturing, heavy metals, silicon dust & pollutants - entire northern area of town. Has its own power facilities. Almost completely automated. All of the shipping routes supplying materials to the facility are through 2 major roads, one going through the east (incoming) and out through the south. Almost all product is moving by land, but they dump out wet & dry waste out the north side where the majority of town is located. South road does extend into town and is a primary thoroughfare. XLR58 auto-haulers are used for transport (Tesla automated trucks). XLR80s are latest version. XLR58s are definitely armored & weaponized.
  • Power Plant: nuclear and thermal. Power is transferred to the factory through ground cables
  • We have: 3 Land Runners (ATVs), 5 people, 3 mining laser cutters (chainsaw sized), 2 plasma rifles.
  • “Could we use a laser cutter to weld?” Toor drops a chainsaw-type device with 2 bar handles down and starts fiddling with it
    • At least 1 shutter type door on the waste side for bots to come out.
    • River practices with the cutter to weld the shutter door closed.
  • Automatrons that also do maintenance are the primary security. 3 large units have been seen, enough smaller units to perform maintenance and security (tens?)
  • There are 2 flying drones running security routes. If they’re unmonitored, and we take out the cable then take out the drones, the likely outcome is that the automated processes wouldn’t be particularly complicated.
  • Jose Malco is the man on the ground, maintenance done by hand is done by him.

The Plan

  • River will weld the rolling door shut.
  • Toor, Nikkon, and Billy will take care of cutting the cable.
  • When the response comes out for the cable cut, Rez and River will infiltrate the factory and try to wreck the control room.
  • Toor, Nikkon, and Billy will handle the responders when the cable is cut and Toor has a surprise planned that should keep them from easily reconnecting

Session 3: 20180405

We meet several meters out from the factory to the north

Nikkon asks how it went with Jose, and Rez pulls out a sketched out map of the interior and Jose’s badge. The folks going in side are going to have to make a turn and go up a ladder to get to the control room. Billy, Nikkon, and River have the cutters, and everyone seems to understand the plan.

Toor rasps “It’s Go Time!”, and everyone rushes to work.

Billy, Toor and Nikkon head out to start cutting the cable, and River rushes to the first door, easily welding it shut. He has a little more trouble with the second, and as he’s welding it shut Nikkon and Billy’s cuts set off a large arc of electricity, momentarily stunning the cutting crew. As River finishes the weld on the second door, both bay doors start taking some loud impacts, although he and Rez get to the access door without much incident.

Rez and River sneak through the door, check their surroundings, and sneak down the first hallway. Rez looks back, and barely notices River, who is stealthily covering the rear.

Toor takes the cutter from Billy, who is having some trouble after being stunned by the sparking, and starts cutting.

Billy gets confused, thinking that Rez and River need the explosives inside the factory, so he tries to grab Toor’s bag and run, but stumbles on his way from the cable and Toor.

Inside, Rez turns the first corner, running into a worker, who River notices just in time to slip back out of notice. Rezzie smoothly convinces the worker to badge into the control room and deactivate the robots, citing issues with the bay doors. Rez follows the worker, Marriott, into the control room.

River takes some time to peer about, and it appears that Marriott was the only worker - however, there are some maintenance robots above. There is some rattling in the robot cages, and no other people appear to be around. River determines that there’s nowhere to hide and remain able to notice if/when they come back down from the control room, so he lugs the laser cutter up the stairs. When he gets to the top, he notices Marriott working on a console and Rez supervising.

Back outside, Billy gets knocked to the ground and chewed out by Toor, who pushes him back to work cutting the cable. He cuts at an angle he had determined earlier which might help the sparking, and this cuts the cable entirely. Toor makes an adjustment to something in her bag, and yells for Billy and Nikkon to “Run with everything you got in ya!”

There’s a huge explosion.

Inside, the ground shakes, the lights go out, and the noise in the factory goes to almost nothing. Emergency lighting kicks in, and Rez reassures Marriott that everything’s going to be alright. River knocks on the door to the control room.

Session 4: 20180412

Spurs Jimmying & Jangling


Fallout: New Vegas

Timeline ~2280 (Before the courier is shot)

A good game for not so good peope

Major Issues

  • Want to join the Thorn

Impending Issue

  • Basil Found a Brotherhood of Steel signal in the mountain.
  • High grade assasins attempted to take out the team when trying to make the Thorn Drop.
  • Invited to work for and maybe join The Kings
  • They have been invoted back to “the House” by a robot that called it “My Strip” once they are done “Playing with the Thorn.”
  • Mr Barker has some clues for RobCo factory
  • The NCR has sent out the team to investigater Nipton… and the team never game back

Faces & Placees


Name Summary Team role
Jeremiah Jet Ex-raider Merc looking to make life work the one with the gun, straight man to the tin can
Mr Basil E. Barker A brand-promoting Mister Handy robot Contract Negotiator, Healer/Buffer
Harriette Aidan Vault Dweller w/ their psi power Fire, fire, oops, sorry about that


Name Summary
Sunny Smiles Nice lady with a dog, cheyenne. gives a mission
Trudy bartender. doesn’t so much like robots
Mark Ghoul & Primm Guard. dangrous sense of humor
Nic Traveling Merc. Saved by Mr Barker
Jim & Mark Traveling Merchants. Got their caravan saved by the team
Jenkins/Hutson Works at NCR south station. Hates the correctional facility and inmates bc lost friend
Sgt Mickelson Officer at NCR South station. Has lent and made agreements to have the prison cleaned up
Jimmy (NRC) Demolitions expert & card shark. Taught Mr. Barker a thing or two about slight of hand
Maria (NCR) sniper & base scout. Met Harriette and talked to her about recent events
The Wolf a prostitute spoke omniously to JJ about him. Had a freakey encounter in a church
Ferris former thorn, works for the Followers. Likes Mr Barker
Mick & Ralph Dealers of a lot of trouble, traded a football for forged strip passes that almost didn’t pass
Jebodiah Vault 420 agrocusturalist. Actually the overseer
Hassid Vault 420 liason. He’s dead now
Sarah Vault 420 Mechanic. Mr’s barker’s Best Friend. Has offered to go adventuring w/ Mr Barker
Dave Vault 420 Medic. He’s not here
Michelle New 420 Liason
Nathan vault 420 Facilities (HR)
Nikki Thorn Liason
The King Leader of the kings
Jimmy Suide The King’s dealer/vendor
Gabriel Appointed Thorn Agent
Groog Supermutant Thorn talent
Original Vault Thorn team
Essa Operator of Vault Hotel & Casino


Name Summary
Goodsprings Helped the town a lot. Saved from Powder gangers.
NCR South Station NCR trader station at south end of the one five. They have a mission from them.
Nipton Run down town just NE of NCR South Station. A place to pick up drinks & company
McCarrens (Nipton) Custom Robot work shop and private club. JJ stole a part & Mr Barker & Harriette took a thust at the club
Vault 420 Vault in freeside: marajuana test. Very frendly
Old Thorn Base Irradiated and full of ghouls. Plan B: Never go here again
Vault 22 rats vault
New Vegas Strip A shockingly different placew
The House A glitzy upscale place they have been invited back to by a weird robot
Jimmy’s Casino A mobster based casino they got tossed from by mentioning the thorn
The High Roller A motel converted into a low key casino
The Gloved Fist A elite and fancy casino
Vault H&C A hotel & casino made from an old vault based on gaming, extra large


GURPS 4.x w/ Psionic Powers & Gurps Fallout



  • Computer Hacking is IQ/Average Default IQ-5


Subsections of Spurs Jimmying & Jangling

Spurs Jimmying & Jangling 11

The team searches for a stealth boy but fails to find one. However they do get Jerimiah some bottles of whiskey and bandges. Mr Barker also picks up soem medical supplies

They head up north and find an ant line in the road. Jerimiah tries to catch the line with some maltalv’s but fails after two tries. Hariette however manages to get the assist by lighting some ants on fine and creating a fire wall with the combined burning.

The team tries to sneak away before they catch some ants but fail.

In the battle of ants the team comes up very victorious though.

They then sneak up to the prison and scope the place out.

The decided to wait until nightfall to sneak on in.

They slowly use the darkness to sneak around the prison up to the entrance.


  • I forgot to record this one.
  • I like the quick reacp anyways ;p
  • I didn’t however remember any specific feedback

Spurs Jimmying & Jangling 10

Harriette cozies herself up to the burning ant while Mr Barker turns his attention to the wounded merc. The man is down to a knee, propped up by his plasma rifle. He has taken some large bites and is looking dangerously injured. Mr Barker slides up and the merc shuffles and levels his laser rifle as the bot comes up.

“All right sir. I’m a doctor and he’s a murderer. I don’t really care which you want but point to the one you want.” Mr Barker says gesturing to Jeremiah.

The merc looks between Mr Barker and then looks to Jeremiah for a moment before he puts down his rifle. He adjusts in the dirt road and coughs out before her lets out a rough sounding “My name is Nick.”

Mr. Barker slides in close and looks over the injured merc. He realizes that he’s going to need more bandages and slides over to the bhraman but Nick pulls back up his rifle at Mr Barker. “Hands off the merch…” Mr Barker sighs and comes in, cleaning out the wounds and stitching up his wounds best he can, instead using the merc’s own cloths and some bandages that Nick offers up to help clean him up.

Nick gnaws on some food he had in his pouch, just to help his energy and then wobbles up onto his feet. He gives a big nod to Mr. Barker and really sizes up the floating mr handy bot.

“Thanks a lot, we thought you were raiders at first. So sorry about the whole…” and then he nods to his rifle. He then gives Jeremiah a bit of one of those knowing nods and turns to watch Harriette with some confusion.

“You guys seem like some honest folk. I can’t leave the stock behind. This is how I do my thing and I’d like to get paid. If you can go get Jimmy & Mark and make sure they don’t end up dead while I hold down this fort. I’m pretty sure you can get some reward here.”

“Well that’s good because reward is our middle name.” Snaps back Mr Barker.

Mr Barker decides to chase down the merchants since Harriette is engrossed in the burning ant and Jeremiah doesn’t want to leave Harriette since more ants might be coming.

As Mr Barker slides off Jeremiah does a bit of area scouting. He then realizes that they are in the middle of an ant line, and it won’t be long till plentty more come wandering across this spot.

“Hey, we’re gonna need to drag her twards the south.” He tells Nick.

“I can get these old cows along if you can manage to pull her along”

“Harriette we have to go” Jeremiah tells Harriette.

“Awwwwww! Can’t I at least take a limb?” she asks. Harriette gets up and grabs at a leg and with some tugging and a foot brace she manages to break off a leg, and the viscous fluid inside of it does easily catch fire and hold the flame like a torch.

Jeremiah leads the way as Nick ropes up the bhramin and they all start heading south slowly to meet up with the rest.

Meanwhile Mr Basil E Barker finally catches up with the two merchants and mercenary where they are all catching their breath.

“Good afternoon gentlemen! We’ve taken care of your ant problem, nick is still with the bhramin, if you want to come back and gather up your things. We are ready for you now.”

“Well I haven’t seen that kinda politeness in a loooong time.” one of the merchants says right after they laugh out. He introduces himself as Jim and they all start to walk back up north to meet up with the rest of the caravan.

“You know what the moment you started shouting and chucking shit we were shure you were raiders looking to cash in on this hazard but honestly I’d honestly loose the caravan over my life.” says Jim as they walk

The other merchant introduces himself as Mark but doesn’t say much, the final merc not even saying anything. Just keeping to himself rifle out waiting for anything.

Everyone finally meets up and Nick gives a good nod to the other merc who seems a bit shocked to see his partner and not a sneak attack. Mark shuffles though the merchandise and ensures it’s all there before he gives a thumbs up.

“Well, here’s the deal boys. We don’t have the kinda carrying caps to reward guys like you but I suppose I could give you a few really good deals if you are looking for it.”

“Well in fact we are, my associate right here is looking for shotgun shells…” Starts Mr Barker. and as he does Mark reaches in and lines up five boxes of shells.

“Well how many are you looking for here? I got five boxes and as you just well know each box gots six shells in it. Listen, you guys did us a square and that doesn’t happen int he wasteland so I’ll do you a square. I’ll give you these puppies at cost. 12 caps a box”.

Jeremiah is more than happy to buy up all five boxes. Mr Barker gets two stimpacks and a medical kit.

Jim gives a look to Harriette and her makeshift torch she is obsessed in curiously. Nick leans over and whispers to Jim and with a shrug and a laugh he pulls out a box of strike anywhere matches and holds it out to Harriette. “one cap?”

Jeremiah jumps up “No!’ and Mr Barker goes over and starts to lecture Harriette about the responsibility of having her own box of matches and on using caution and restraint. Everyone else looks totally confused now.

Harriette slinks up and trades the matches for a cap with excitement.

Once all trades are made they give nods to each other, needing to head different ways.

The team heads down south, they find a lot of dead bugs, that was not the first ant problem along this road. Harriette’s ant leg finally burns out along the road and she tosses it aside, now sulking along the road. They all reach a hill with lots of old world dead vehicles littering the road, forming something you really have to weave through.

They reach the top where there is a large fence and a group of people all in the same sand uniform, each one having a vest that sports the same NCR from earlier. The guards are the first people not to be shocked in any ways to see the odd travelers. They have a air of discipline and confidence, only really giving a nod to group.

One guard holds up a hand to the group before they enter. “Just to be sure you know; this is a fully owned and operated by the NCR military trade post. Any problems and we’ll take care of them dead. Glint’s in the sky.” He then gives a nod and steps back to let them through.

The small base has a lot of low buildings in a bit of a canyon, there is a staging area full of merchants and bhramin as well as a section gated off with what looks like offices and possibly baracks.

Mr Barker asks a grunt for the CO and gets directed to a building behind the extra fence. They group slides through the extra security without too much fuss and slide right into front desk. It’s covered with a bunch of signup forms for the NCR military and has a lot of Pro service slogans. Behind the counter working paperwork looks up at the group, his tag reading Jenkins or Hudson depending on the angle that you look at it.

“New recruits?” He asks.

“Well wishers” Offers up Mr Barker.

“Well if you are just well wishing what can I do you for? Need some arms service or information?” asks Jenkins

“Well actually we are in the powder ganger hunting business and we know this area has been having some trouble and gather you have some trouble with them.”

Jenkins goes up stiff as a board and cuts off Mr Basil E Barker. “Why don’t you wait right here.” and he buzzes in someone else.

A large man in a hat two sizes two big from that even waves the team back, and by wave them back two large men slide over and escort the team back into an office in the back and sit them all down by force. He leans back and stares into Jeremiah with one of those looks that can drill the soul out of a new recruit. The man is so intimidating Harriette goes into a hand wringing sweat. He drags on the moment just before someone else speaks up before he busts out in a hard drill sergeant voice.

“So tell me now what you are talking about powder gangers.”

“Well, so what we understand powder gan-” starts Mr Barker but he’s cut off hard by the officer

“Ex-Excuse me? What the?” He says as he looks to Jeremiah and then realize it’s the robot talking. He looks between the two and then waves his hand “Continue”

“Seems to be they took over your police station”

“Prision” he corrects sternly. “All right, first off tin can, it’s a high density prison and we’ve had a coup adn some serious problems. I’ll tell you what and I’ll tell you why; the’ve got as meny men in there as I got men in this base and we don’t screw around with odds like that. I can’t take the losses. I don’t know how all those weapons got smuggled in but we will be talking care of this problem once we can find the most efficient solution. Now, that said, word gets around fast around here and I’ve heard ganger camps have been going up in smoke. So why do you tell me a bit more about what you know.”

“My tag team and I are currently in the powder ganger killin business. we are pretty good ay making their insides become outsides. We would be happy to help front the assault on them for you. We realize they are heavily arms so we were looking for some reinforcements or weapons. You have everything to gain here and nothing to loose. If we fail, no loss.”

The officer smiles wide and leans in. “You know what tin can, I really like you. Here’s the scoop. I don’t have the men to send out right now and I really don’t have the money to be paying mercenaries, that’s not how this game is going. However If you can take care of our problem I bet I can lose a whole lot of supplies. I can front you a few weapons up front but for the most part it’s all payable on delivery.”

Mr Barker goes on the barter for stealthboys & firepower up front, and passage onto the strip on success.

The man laughs and nods “Well we don’t carry stuff like that around here. But go talk to the merchants out front. I can’t promise you anything but go tell them Sgt Michelson sent you and they just might help you out. Firepower, I can get you guys some good rifles and access to the store here but what’s you get is what’s you get. This line of credit is real thin.” He leans back then “Passage into the strip? I can do that. I can make a few phone calls and get some strip passes, which you will need if that’s where you are headed.”

The men slip out and hand over three standard issue NCR rifles and five hand grenades. Before they are lead out the Sargent nods and notes “Remember guys. Service in the NCR is it’s own reward.” The guards then physically excort the group out and back to the front of the office. Jenkins gives a nod to the group as the come out to the lobby.

“So Hudson you seem to hate them Powder Gangers do ya?” Offers up Mr Barker.

“I lost some good friends down at the corrections facility and we don’t have such nice words about those inmates. I don’t understand why we bothered to lock them up. Free labor my ass all they did was cost us good men.” he stiffly mutters out.

Mr Barker offers the recruit to come with them but Jenkins declines, not having the R&R to take to join the group, but he does wish them the best and also offers them help for equipment repairs. Jenkins then explains about all the problems on the 15 road going up north to Vegas and how it’s all on hold and they are staging out merchants because of the issues while troops try to clear the path more.

The team slips out and after name dropping the sergeant slip into the pen and talk to all the merchants but none of them have the stealthboys they want


  • I need to provide the stats for the rifles
  • Mr barker kinda feels like he’s stealing the gametime RP heavy sessions
    • Jeremiah is still playing him, he’s just the quiet type
  • 5 points to everyone as a reward for a RP heavy session and me missing points
  • Everyone should take some time to talk to the GM some about their character and plot.
    • google docs are appreciated.

Spurs Jimmying & Jangling 9

The dynamite goes off with a huge explosion. Everyone looks about, Harriette mostly engrossed in a burning bit of asphalt on her shoe while Jeremiah instantly notices the ghoul just off a building in Primm.

“Are you feral?” shouts out Jerimiah.

He then gets to watch as the ghoul makes an annoyed face and lights a new stick of dynamite and tosses it, this one not a warning shot and rolling up to Jeremiah’s feet. With quick reflexes Jeremiah picks it up and flicks the stick right back, however the fuse ends with the stick in the air between them and explodes in the air.

Mr. Basil E Barker slides in to action. Calling for a cease fire and “Whoah Whoah Whoah let’s let cooler heads prevail. How do we manage to solve this without having any deaths.”

“What do you guys got coming around here” the ghoul shouts back. “We don’t need no trouble around”

“If you don’t want trouble shy are you throwing dynamite? We just wanna shop! We just wanna spend caps.”

The ghoul pauses and then relaxes, gesturing you in. The team comes up cautiously as the ghoul talks. “My name is Mark. He have looters and gangers coming through here more often than honest skin bags. So if you ain’t be no trouble then there ain’t be no trouble. The first one is always a warning shot anyways” he spits out in her gravely voice before laughing dryly. “You skinabgs are always soooo touchy”

He then pauses to gesture about, pointing out the general store & post, and then the casino.

The team eyes the post stop, the casino, the old hotel that looks like it’s coming apart, and the dilapidated rollercoaster that runs through it all and decides to head into the Post/General Store.

The small shop is manned by an older man. He welcomes them all but has no shells to procure, seems his regular supply caravan didn’t show up. When barker asks for more info about the caravan the old man mentions that they all come up from the south and he finds that the NCR military likes to shut down those routes for just about anything. Especially since raider activity is up, a new group supposedly is prowling the area. Also the old speedway to the south has sprung up a mutant ant hill.

Even thought the old man offers up post service and a job doing courier service from time to time if they wanna break from work that ‘usually’ involves shooting. The team decides to press on to look at the casino before heading south. A old style security bot turns to, then past them, and greets them in a prerecorded manner.

“Welcome to out casino! I’d like to remind you there is no weapons! we don’t want no trouble round here. He then turns to and past the exhibit int he middle. “Don’t forget to check out the Bonnie & Clyde exhibit. He gets stuck at the end of his bit and an Old Lady slides up and hits him to unstick him, and introduces herself as Michelle.

Hariette decides to check out the exhibit and it has a short explanation and it takes 5 caps on a slot. Hariette sits back and thinks to herself and then slips in five caps and watches. A stilted voice kicks up and starts “Welcome to the Bonnie & Slide Museum, back before the…” the exhibit rambles on for 15 minutes, explaining all there is about the history of Bonne, Clyde, and that car now all full of holes.

Meanwhile Mr Barker slides up to the cashier and trades in 40 caps for chips, the lady hesitant and talking to someone about it. He asks about and finds for the table games, sliding up for blackjack. Mr Barker sits down in the table and using his skills he manages to only loose a few scant hands in 14 minutes. A leery pit boss rolls up and starts asking hard questions about robots.

Mr. Barker tries to talk his way into this money making scheme but the pit boss isn’t buying it. Mr Barker finds himself without any chips but at least gets his 40 caps back before he’s summarily kicked out of the table room.

Jeremiah is not into the glittery and glam and walks about Primm, doing a lookout. He notices some thing or people crawling out to the North and calls out mark, pointing out the ramblers. Mark uses some binoculars and swears, noting it’s the gangers and that they have been crawling all about. He knows they are looking to expand their territory and just wish someone would take care of it. Nothing too much out of order comes to mind.

Jeremiah comes back and sighs as he shows up to see Mr. Barker jetting ejected. “What did you do now”

“I won, maybe too much”

They weigh their options and decide to head south down the road to see this NRC military camp and see if they can unclog this whole caravan since Jeremiah needs shells bad. Then walk down the road and they come up to quite a scene; huge red ands the size of a huge dog, maybe a bit larger and they are attacking a caravan.

the team decides to jump in and help the merchants and guards. A hectic large battle ensues, including Jeremiah almost blowing some people up. However only one guard goes down before Mr. Barker convinces the rest, two merchants and a merc to flee the battle, all while the team manages not to take a single hit!

Now the team is approaching the injured Merc and two remaining brhoman. With two merchants and a merc almost out of sight.


This session felt slow Wasn’t Jeremiah’s scene The recap is running long There is an ant on fire No one has any major changes to characters Mr Barker shaping knife for crowbar 3 points for all 4 for barker

Spurs Jimmying & Jangling 7

The following has a minor retcon as mentioned feedback last week.

Jeremiah tries to sneak it out about 30-40 yards and then starts crawling about through the dirt, trying to get within 15 yards of the party. Even as the robot dances and sings it’s way through suddenly one of the gangers notices someone crawling though the dirt. Most everyone goes up on alert suddenly at the panic.

Before things can escalate Harriette decides this was the signal that she was looking for and staying behind a tent inches out and squeezes out a shot. The 9mm rings out behind the camp, causing everyone but him to turn around just in time to watch their partner collapse forward into the campfire. The other three gangers suddenly run to grab and pull their buddy out of the fire. Jeremiah sees this go down and jumps up, dashing in. Mr Barker has his song interrupted and decides to slowly back out some.

In the panic Harriette leans in, trying to spot the one who noticed Jeremiah and sneaks out to take another shot. She pops him in the back while he is trying to help his friend, a though and through right though the left lung. He partially collapses into his friend and gasping about.

One of the gangers puts it together and pulls out a knife and starts stalking towards where Harriette is hiding. Harriette drops out of the cover, jumping out and leveling her pistol and nailing him right in the core body. He waves the knife and drops down to the chest, the round not making it out the back of him. The last ganger decides to get up as his friends start dropping and runs down Mr Barker with a pistol. The other two upright guys are hurting.

Jeremiah pulls out his pistol while running into the camp and tries to pull a snap shot, skidding to a stop just to shoot. He misses the shot, going wide and ricocheting the round off of Mr Barker. He lets out a angry sound as the slide catches his hand, not gripping it right. The snap shot and the slide catch is enough for him to fumble the gun and drop it. Mr Barker flails about, going into a bit of a spin and sputtering as he really sells the hit, yelling the obscenities at Jeremiah.

Harriette glances over to the second guy who she shot, watching him try to get back up and she levels her pistol and drops a round into his brainstem area, the round to the back of his neck causing him to collapse fully on the first now.

The ganger almost to barker now turns to Jeremiah since he’s shooting, leveling his pistol up and taking a shot at the Merc, missing JJ solid. Jeremiah dives down to make himself less of a target and tries to reready his pistol. Mr Barker takes the opportunity to slide in and give a swipe with his knife.

Harriette decides to address the third guy she shot, he’s struggling with the shot to the chest. She slips up and tries to whip him with her pistol but she manages to fumble the swing. He looks up to her and coughs up some blood and pure vitriol, cursing with words of a man spent more time in prison than outside of it. Harriette tries to swing in again with her pistol but he parries it some and throws her off guard and drops her on her butt in the sand. He snarls out horrible words and crawls in some, threateningly swiping with his knife. Harriette reels back and drops her boot right into his nose, cracking it and dazing the Ganger. Finally she slips up onto her knees and reels back with all she has, a panting frustration as she snaps her pistol against his temple and with a sickening sound his head snaps to the side and he wavers for only a few moments before he coughs up more ruby and collapses in the dirt.

Meanwhile Ganger and Barker take a knife vs gun fight, Barker taking three rounds to the body while Jeremiah decides to jump up and run in to help save Barker. After taking those rounds to the chasis, and seeing Jeremiah running in while pulling out his shotgun he decides to try to grapple the gun away from the ganger. He doesn’t manage to disarm him but as the ganger sees Jeremiah getting in with his shotgun he decides he doesn’t like these odds anymore. He breaks out running though the camp and tries to get away.

Jeremiah gives a hard chase. Harriette is still in the dirt but sees him running and spins, the moment he comes by she levels her pistol and catches the running Ganger in the shoulder. He stumbles and it helps Jeremiah start to really gang on him.

Having done all she can Harriette scoots in the dirt, sighing to herself and then smiling as she cozies up a bit close to the fire. She looks into the flickering flames in the dusk, savoring the burning mesquite wood with pods and brush tossed in that give it a lot of warm cracking pops. Mr Barker grumbles and pisses and moans about as he starts despondently searching the camp for goods, digging though crates and tents. He curses Jeremiah, the Gangers, the Time of Day, everything.

Jeremiah finally gets within grabbing range of the ganger. He uses his shotgun to catch the guy by the throat, locking it in under his chin and whipping to the side to throw him into the dirt and going half down to a knee himself. They wrestle for a moment and then Jeremiah lets off a shotgun round into the air, burning the throat and under the chin of the ganger. The ganger pauses wincing and then looking deep up to Jeremiah, really sizing him up now. Jeremiah takes a moment and slips up some, pulling the shotgun out from under his chin and pushes the double barrel to the guys head. The guy looks up hard at Jeremiah and huffs.

“What do I have to do to walk out this alive?”

Jeremiah pulls the trigger, unloading the double barrel and painting a crescent sunrise along the Mohave dirt. “You’re not”

He then digs through the body as it collapses to the dirt, spurting. 12 rounds of 9mm

Back at the camp Mr Barker puts on his metaphorical physicians hat and examines the body. One of the men is very dead, two rounds and burn marks. One man has a round through and though chest and has a lower neck round; shallow breath and fluid on lungs, fully out and shallowly breathing shows soon he won’t survive. The last one has a round in the chest, fluid in lungs, a shattered temples and possible brain damage, and a broken nose, He has minutes to live at best and he has few light signs. He also scavenges the bodies for gear.

Mr Barker tallies up all the gear he found and doles out what he can to them. Jeremiah grabs a gangers outfit and Harriette grabs the one who has armor.

The team sets up camp as the sun sets on it.


  • White has been planning on his character right now.
    • He’s traveling and will be trying to think out more of his character and will message GM privately about Ideas
  • Messaging the GM to plan out character details or share Ideas is always encouraged.
  • Mr. Barker would appreciate if I could find some Bard Like inspiration skills with speech
  • 4 skill points for all!
  • How you feeling 1 - 10
    • 7-8 for White & Whyte
    • 10
  • Learning more about the character is fun
  • Campfire descriptions were nice
  • Getting and leveling skills is a discretionary things
  • However it’s still something I’d like to see happen in game, doing something to grow
  • Not just pull up the character screen and pump up some meter
  • Mr Barker is thinking he should have had some wrestling or judo skills from the start
  • D.O.S. SKWRL needs to Look for a healer, buffer, bard character but without spells
    • like rapier wit for bonuses
  • Jeremiah is coming into the character and is a heel
    • Harriette also has a bit of a sociopathy. She’s a bit over adjusted to the wasteland and has no issue just killing people shot tot he back.
    • Mr Barker also is not so nice
    • More or less the team is nice people, they are hardly even good guys.
    • Lawful evil?
    • So far being on this saw of the law has been advantageous.

Spurs Jimmying & Jangling 6

The team all “come too” prone in the dirt, surrounded by scrap metal and other debris scattering out from the blast epicenter. They are all stunned, shocked, and partially deafened.

“moop” sounds JJ

“Good job team!” says Mr Barker

“What about dirty mops?” Says JJ

“Maybe we should lay off the dynamite” offers up JJ

“and one vote for maybe a short nap” groans Harriette

Mr. Basil Barker tries to encourage the team to move but the squishy members of the team are in need of help. After helping them all line up Mr Basil E Barker works at tending to the wounded and patches up the team very well.

The team study the pip boy map and realize the first camp they went to was the middle one, this one to the north, and the third down in a souther area of the railroad tracks. They decide they don’t want to follow the tracks down and risk running into the “backup” that was re-occupying the first camp. They head back to the road along goodsprings and head southwards. Alongside the road, just to the east they see some radscorps. The team decides to go around to the west from the road.

As they wander to give a wide berth they find what seems to be a small campsite by a old world water source and pipes. The camp has no people in it but they do discover it’s currently home to some gecos! The territorial beasts charge!

JJ actually asks this time, demanding the bot’s knife now, unto which Mr Barker hands it over.

Hariette readies her pistol but takes just a moment to look longingly at the fireplace.

“That will be your reward when we git this cleaned up” says mr Barker

Harriette unloads a round carefully, catching it in it’s open mouth and popping the top of it’s head right off, crumpling it on the ground.

The two remaining geckos charge in hard at Harriette and JJ, uninterested in the robot. Mr Barker uses this to search the camp and find himself a thing of Cram

JJ takes a hard swipe at the second gecko catching it’s ribs deep with a critical hit and gets it bleeding.

Harriette fires again but the gecko manages to slip out this time

Mr Barker works to start himself up the fire going to cook up the food, working the tinder up. (can you smell what the bot is cooking?)

The gecko’s attack! Harriette dodges but JJ catches a bite to his upper thigh!

Harriette catches the gecko coming at her with a round, getting a gecko with a core short that causes it to falter.

Mr Barker gets that fire going and starts cooking some cram.

JJ takes himself other bite and growls out. He takes a swipe and fumbles hard, almost dropping his knife in the process.

Harriette decides she’s not going to waste the rounds, she steps in and snaps the head of the gecko to the side with the muzzle of her pistol and it collapses to the ground, twitching a bit but not ever getting back up.

Mr Barker decides to swoop in, and does so full force, throwing his large frame down onto the last gecko. He crushes the Gecko like roadkill. Mr Barker sits back up and the roadkill slides down a little but is a bit stuck to him. JJ picks it off of his robot companion and tries to salvage it but can’t get anything out of it. He manages to get a gecko pelt out of another though.

JJ cooks himself up a cutlet he gets from another and then returns the knife to mr barker. Harriette enjoys some cooked spam. Harriette writes down the location in her pipboy

After a bit they decicde to head out, heading to the camp.

They come up, seeing the camp well in advance. There is no coverings now, it’s an open camp with a campfile and some tents. The team is a bit far away and cant see much more but a few people. They try to put a plan together to approach as the sun starts to get close to dusk.

Mr Basil E Barker decides he’s going to go in and give them the razzle dazzle, and give the rest the cover to sneak around and flank them, then they can aim, then aim again, then aim more, and sneak attack shoot them all. He scurries up rapidly to the Powder Gangers, he realizes they are not the gangers from before and slides up, slowing down as he comes up. They all come to their feet as he approaches. cautiously taking arms as he approaches and stares him downt he whole time.

“Greetings I am the performance bot 1000. Please deposit one bottle camp for entertainment.” He says as he extends a pincher.

The gangers seem a bit befuddled, two highly on guard while the other two shrug it off. Soon enough one fishes out a cap and hands it to Mr Barker. In a mechanical whirr and manner he slides the cap back and drops it in his chases. At this point he breaks out into song, performing Easy Living by Billie Holiday from the radio. He whirrs and does a mechanical dance alongside it, really hamming it up. Most all the gangers turn in and watch, enjoying the cheap show.

JJ slips out, giving a wide maw and eyeballs himself just shy of 150 ways, pushing into the dirt and takes aim with his 9mm

Harriette slips all around to the back, working all around to the back and side of them, sneaking behind a tent.

She sees there is four of them, the closest to one the least interested in the show but the rest are all still around the fire and watching Mr Barker do his song.

Each and every one sits and waits for the song to end with Mr Barker mechanically sweating every moment of it.

The credits are rolling and the bot is singing.


  • Whyte regrets his decision, feeling his call was out of character, Jeremiah would know better than to try to snipe with a Pistol at 150 yards
    • He is going to sack his points for the session to retcon
  • Roleplaying is getting smoother the more we play the characters more
    • Finding chacters is happeneing
  • Play is also getting smoother each time
  • The dice were kicking butt today
  • 4 points all around for skill

Spurs Jimmying & Jangling 3

Mr Barker goes to find Sunny. He talks about their deal to get things done, talking money. He barters for 600 caps for the job done. Sunny deals up, if you can all take care of these nearby camps of theirs nearby then she’ll take the 600 caps deal. She does say, also if they could clear up the powder gangers for all of good she’d talk to Trudy and try to make yall as made as GoodSprings can be. She offers up two more possible camp sports she is suspect of.

They all meet up and head out two the first camp. Well off the beaten path they hear a hard sound as some mole rats run the team down from the left. Jeremiah and Harriette both turn and ready their guns for combat. Mr Barker attempts to take a bit of wit but the rats are hungry and it is not edible, while Jeremiah and Harriette is. The two engage in an all out gunfight, Harriette dispatching one with a single round, and the other two going down after biting Jeremiah hard. Mr Basil does the assist on one with his knife.

Jeremiah decides to steals the knife from Mr Basil since it worked on that rat well. He forcefully wrestles the blade from the robot hand. “You coulda asked!” Shouts Mr Basil and he takes a free action to be annoyed. Jeremiah throws himself on the last molerat and brings down the stolen knife to end the last one. Once it stops moving he stabs it twice more for good measure and tosses the blade back to Mr Barker

“Thank you” says Mr Barker.

“Whatever” says JJ.

Mr Barker decides to take some time to heal Harriette since she’d looking fatigued. He uses his medical knowledge and a stimpack to get her all healed up.

They finally walk up to the marker spot. They come across two railcars that are off the tracks. Railtracks run north-south and the cars are both off them, one is off on it’s side and the other is at a 30 degree angle against it, both end to end but forming a bit of a V. It’s up a small slope from the party. Harriette decides to sneak her way up and tries to peek around the cars, after a small stumble she does manage to sneak her way up and peers all about.

She sees a campfire, with four guys in nice outfits. They are mostly around the fire, making food. Alongside the back of the cars is a lot of crates. The vests they have a lot of packs they could be using for dynamite storage. The farthest one is back from the fire has a bandolier of dynamite exposed. Harriette focuses in close and one of them looks over, noticing Harriette focusing in and waving her hands just a little.

“What in the-” He tries to say

Then the earth shattering kaboom happens.

Then there is one less person. All the rest of the gangers are knocked over, one of them totally still now.


  • Next session starts immediately
  • 4 skill points this session
    • Mr Basil E Barker gets an extra point (total 5)
  • Video helps a whole lot
  • good pacing so far
  • dm will call for perception checks

Spurs Jimmying & Jangling 2

Left along in front of the gas station/converted bar the part decides to head up north back up to the town and collect their goods. On the way up to the town they find a rad scorpion right in the middle of the road, it’s eating the remains of something.

JJ decides to sneak up on the scorpion slowly with his shotgun. Harriette join in on this sneak, sliding along side him and focuses on trying to catch fire. They all pause for a moment and with a flash she catches fire to it’s back for a moment, burning the caprice for just a moment. It spins about in panic and sees our party, lunging in for attack and misses JJ.

Jeremiah unloads a round of shotgun to the rad scorpion’s face. Harriette whips out her pistol and rings out a shot, catching it and shooting it’s stinger right off. The insect collapses in the ground

FF victory music

Jeremiah cracks it’s body open and pulls out two pieces worth of good rad scorpion meat.

The party slides in to Goodsprings and knocks on the door, meeting up with the Sheriff. They collect 300 caps and they get the keys to the old gas station just up on the hill just north. The team decides to slide up to the general store but find it closed at this dusk hour.

They instead slide in to the bar. They meet up with a lady going by the name of Sunny Smiles at the bar, there with her dog Cheyenne. She’s the one who takes care of all the odd jobs and keep the peace around here. Mr Barker decides to chat up Sunny for a bit while Jeremiah slides up to the bar and pays two caps for a beer.

Sunny is grateful to hear you are the ones who helped with the Jet deal. She lets Mr Barker she doesn’t have a lot fo opinion of sheriff Mick, he’s not good at getting things done. Mr Barker offer to fill int he gap with the harder issues. Sunny offers up if they can help get rid of a problem they have with a group calling themselves the poweder gangers, some ex-cons with explosives, she would be more than willing to pay. She gives up a campsite known for Harriette’s pip-boy and gives everyone a mighty thanks.

JJ finishes up his beer and Sunny also needs to leave so the party decides it’s time to call it a night. Jeremiah leans in to talk to the bartender, Trudy and asks where he could train some brawling around town and she recommends up Sunny is the best scrapper in GoodSprings.

The mini mart has been cleaned up and has a few cots, even a save to put your stuff. The party settles in for the night but Harriette finds little sleep.

The next day Jeremiah slips over of the general store and meets up with Chet, the shop owner. He buys up 5 shotgun shells for 3 caps a shell. JJ asks Chet to keep eyes out for a knife for him. Jeremiah is on a mission and hits up Sunny in her back area training spot and asks her if she can help with some Brawling tips. They spend the next three hours on some brawling training, for 25 caps that is.

Harriette slinks about town and spends the day. She discovers a Brauman, a giant partially rotting beast, much like a bison but with two heads and a set of horns on each. it’s mostly docile but she avoids the horrifying beast. After she comes back Mr barker and Harriette talk over the plans for taking on the gangers, mostly blow them up as much as possible and not them.

They all meet up in the high sun and prep to go out.


  • Shotgun calculations all need to be documented on the character sheet
  • combat went well otherwise other than shotgun
  • Insomnia
    • on a standard failure she looses half the night (no recovery of FP or HP)
    • on a crit failure she takes FP loss and gets no sleep
    • it will stack after too long
  • Face to face video
    • Skype is easiest with OBS
  • Going on a Journey is our bit ;p
  • veryone gets 4 skill points

Spurs Jimmying & Jangling 1

This is an intro/demo scene, setting up the game and intro to combat and mechanics

Last week on Spurs Jimmying & Jangling… boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop.

The three have come down through the North. They find a Sheriff in a small town who is imploring them for help. He knows of a Jet deal about to go down south a bit in a new makeshift bar and he doesn’t want it traveling up through his town. He gives Harriette a marker on her pip boy and offers three nights stay and 300 caps if they can prevent it._

They find a bar, but it’s hidden in plain sight, it’s an old world gas station with some strange markings on the door, supposedly to show what lies inside.

Mr. Barker tries to help himself right inside but the door is locked tight and will not budge. Jeremiah looks to Mr. Barker and gives a solid knock and gruff voice shouts out “Go Away!” Jeremiah gives aloud “No!” in return.

The bouncer opens the door and glances through the party for a few moments and then tells the team that they have to give up their guns. Jeremiah tries to hold out but he can’t keep that shotgun hidden. The bouncer attempts to awkwardly pat down Mr Barker as well. Harriette however manages to hide out her pistol from the guard and slips back behind Mr. Basil when the bouncer helps himself to a grope of her bottom.

Inside the bar looks shockingly like an old western style bar. There is five large table, in a spread X. The back area has a very long cobbled together bar which has two ten large tenders, one of them a bit twitchy. Scanning the patrons the party notes there is about 12 people in the bar, most tables has a few peoples talking or playing caravan but there is one empty table and the furthest table has one lonely guy.

Jeremiah helps himself to the empty table from the bar and the team follows. Mr Barker puts eyes on the solo guy, he’s got the junkie twitch. The other tables likely has some merchants and mecinaries at some others. Jeremiah and he goes to saunter up to the bar, and the brute of a bartender who has the nametag “Harley <3” but a lady trying to look like an old salon girl steps in and introduces herself as “Jen”. She walks Jeremiah back tensely and then takes a three beer order, dropping them off, and then putting out her hand with a less than subtile “Two caps a beer, that’s six caps for the beers.”

Mr. Barker takes himself a moment to crack wise with her about how Jeremiah orders drinks for the robot so he can double down and then much like an old midway game reaches into his head chamber and plucks out 10 caps, sliding them into her hand. He turns to her “Listen here, I’m here to represent my bosses interests and solve some problems so I need you to tell me all I need to know about some jet deal.” She smirks and then glances at the one guy sitting alone and then back to Barker a few times. She leans in adn glares into that glass eye and gives him a hushed tone. “Listen, don’t go trashing the place. We like our bar the way it is, in one peace.” She flicks eyes to the lone guy and gives up a second order of beers without a word. Mr. Barker isn’t taking any bit of a shakedown and give her the words, enough so that she turns red and walks back off to do her deal.

Mr Barker nods to Jeremiah “More beer” and JJ decides to start slinging them back. All the while Harriette fidgits with the condensation in on her beer, her presence getting a lot of looks at how shady she appears even in a bar like this.

Two men burst into the bar after a few moments, getting their patdowns and head over to single table with the junkie they got tipped on. Mr Barker calls for ideas and stares at the blank faces of his table. He thinks it out and even does a gut check then decides to go cut a promo on these guys.

All three roll up on the table, Harriette staying a little behind Mr. Barker but Jeremiah takes his beer along with him and flops himself down right in the open fourth seat at the table and looks over the three other people. The other three jump up for a moment but after a bit of a staredown they slowly sit back down as JJ sips his beer. While the guys all stare down JJ, Mr Basil E Barker gives them the razzle dazzle and verbally shakes them down to find out if they have the jet, and let them know they aren’t welcome. All while everyone is dazed and slack jawed at the robot Harriette slides Jeremiah her pistol from her jumpsuit.

“Yea what of it?” Gives the guy sitting across JJ blurts out. Mr Barker throws down the gauntlet hard “Well my friend doesn’t like you here” and Harriette swings on the guy next to her, cold clocking him across his head gear, realizing it made of metal. Jeremiah throws up a knee and slams it into the table to try to upend it, sending all of the beers into the lap of the guy across from JJ. The junkie sitting next to Jeremiah decides to punch him in retaliation in the face.

Harriette takes a solid blow from the guy she punched. Mr Barker decides to call out, turning out to the bar and works a faux securitron bit and goes to calm the bar, and everyone pulls the heat, everyone still tense but no one looking to step in now. Harriette brawls in with the Jerk, the guy who is she toe to toe with while Jeremiah goes to fists with the Junkie. While punches are being thrown the loudmouth sick of being coated with beer tries to take a flying leap at JJ but slips on the beer and comes down hard on the table and goes down to the ground prone. Mr Barker grabs the kicked out chair, swings it up high and crashes it down hard on the loudmouth.

Harriette decides to duck under the table, confusing The Jerk and focuses on her PK Fire. Jeremiah also decides to slam into the Junkie but misses hard, stumbling and hitting into the bar. The junkie grabs up JJ and throws him back into the fray, tossing him into the table. The loudmouth goes to stumble up but Mr Barker slips in and grabs him up, pinning him with those medal pinchers on his wrists. Mr Barker gives the loudmouth some hard words, intimating him hard with his torch.

Before the loudmouth can reply Harriette’s power causes the front of The Jerk’s armor/shirt catches hard fire, colorful flames leaping up. Before anyone can do anything else four shots of 45 ring out enough to make everyone stop and the bouncer announces all you gotta go. JJ tries to take a cheap shot but misses. The twitchy staps back with his hands up and the jerk works to pat himself out and grabs the bottom of a beer and dumps it on his chest to put himself out.

Everyone carefully ambles out at gunpoint. Mr Barker drags the loudmouth out like a doll, taking some time to dog out the bouncer and intimdate him, making him feel like he’s welcome for the cleanup. he give Mr Barker the laser pistol the loudmouth was carrying. The junkie slinks out the door and splits hard, running right out into the wasteland hard.

Mr Barker puts the fear on all of them, Jeremiah and Mr Barker shakes them both down hard with intimidation. Letting the Loudmouth go, Barker lets them know fire accidents can happen. The two remaining guys slip posthaste back behind the bar and slink out of view.

everyone takes a leaping high five. Jet deal broken up.


  • The audio is being saved; and are available for White to clean up for podcast
    • It’s split channel so it will need to be sqashed to mono
  • We are up for streaming
  • Dead Money is the worst thing to happen to Fallout since Behtesta
    • The aliens DLC for fallout 3 is also horrible
  • Game went really long
    • being on voice only isn’t as nice so there is pauses
    • team dinamic night quite on lock yet
  • Everyone is stil feeling it out of course
  • Harriette needs to take will checks from time to time and those will get called out
    • she also needs to roll for sleeping to heal
  • The brawl was fun event hough rolls were jerks
  • 3 skill points to everyone
Chapter 5

Idea Pile

This is a slush pile of a section, just containing ideas in progress I am willing to share openly.

Subsections of Idea Pile

Harvest Crossing Valley

A One-Shot Requested by a friend

The Setting


The sleepy farming town of Harvest Crossing Valley; Or just Harvest to the locals and HCV to the cool kids… probably. Probably the gayest farming town ever. Rumor has it that’s why y’all moved in. A Modern-ish rural fantasy setting where magic and darkness lurk just out of sight of everyday life.


put like three IDK


Setup Questions

Custom Relationships?


Save Our Farm

Hazel’s farm is running behind on payments. The livestock hasn’t been doing well at all and is going to collapse. Can we save this staple of our town or are we going to lose another local farm lost to the bank and sold to the agri-food megacorp PentexAg?

The Cult

There are a lot of mysterious sounds coming from the sewers when it rains. They say it’s all just gas escaping and animals but several people have been seen meeting at XXX’s house under the shroud of darkness, far later than any self-respecting farmhand would be out. And everybody is denying it vehemently.

And Don’t Comer Back Yall Ya Hear?


“Mayor” Sylvana Book (she/they): People in town call her “Mayor Book” because she’s the real one who runs this town. As the head of the local bank, Ms. Book has money invested in everybody’s land and farms. Just about everybody has a loan through her. She’s not a cold and uncaring person though, in fact, this portly woman is always a burst of sunshine and warmth to everybody she meets. They say her smile only breaks when the money is late. She really does seem to care about the town and its farms, but it’s hard to ignore the fact she gets all her investment money from PentexAg, a company that would be more than happy

Town Support

  • Blaire (she/her): Farm Goth GF - NEET… well she wishes, works at the town hall
  • Poppy (she/her): Everybody’s mom - Housewife and Teacher
  • Caroline (she/her): Heart of golds, dumb of ass, impressive of tits - TA at the school
  • Ione (they/them): Runs the Corner Store with Cally, total cuckquean (but ace)
  • Cally (she/her): Rumored to be the town bike married to the town dyke (Ione)


  • Marshal (they/him): Hardware store butch - Contract Repairs and Building Labour
  • Cece (they/she): repairwoman extraordinaire, specializes in farm equipment but does house calls
  • Kit (she/they): blacksmith and literal sword lesbian
  • Sally (she/her): Town Vet, Rumor has it she always wears the elbow deep gloves
  • Peanut (she/her): Peacan’s sister, runs a clothing shop out of the house
  • Peacan (she/her): Peanut’s sister and they are inseparable and live together

Other Farms

  • Hazel (she/her): Runs the livestock farm, Just because she’s buff doesn’t mean she can’t be femme


  • Tasha (she/her): Wishes Static would be less of a goblin but can’t deny her crush
  • Static (they/them): Total goblin and streamer
  • Mint (she/her): Traveling saleswoman, comes through town twice a week with various wares, dangerously kinky


First Names

  • Tobi
  • Tiffany
  • Sasha
  • Ruby
  • Pippy



  • Main Plaza, it’s where all the cool kids hang out. the city hall, mayor’s office, & ag hall are all here.
  • Agricultural Hall, if something is happening, it’s happening at the Ag Hall
  • Corner Store, it’s got a little bit of… some things, you but they can order stuff for you)
  • Local Pub, Every town needs a watering hole!
  • Midst Prarie, the next town over. Not popular with the town folk but nobody talks about why.

Custom Rules

GM: Section Contain Spoilers

What’s Really Going On? One Possibility

Scene Ideas

Major Issues

Impending Issues

  • PentexAg; Your Friendly Neighborhood Shopping Mart is moving in
  • Those sounds when it rains sure are getting louder


You all live and ostensibly work on the same farm; Table to Farm. What’s your primary crop? What’s your individual trade specialty?


TTRPG Backlog

Solo Game Backlog

  • Thousand-year-old vampire
  • Sidhe Shed

Gaming Backlog

  • Blades int he Dark
  • Girl By Moonlight
  • Monsterhearz2
  • Codex of worlds
  • Read Acorn: A Map-Making LARP About Squirrels
  • My little pony
  • A place to fuck each other
  • Kobolds ate my baby
  • lofi bards to study and relax to
  • Apocalypse keys
  • Bite Marks
  • Glitter Hearts
  • Jinkies
  • root
  • the warren
  • Theadbare
  • Urban Shadows
  • To Change
  • Eat the Reich
  • WtA 5th
  • Alice is missing
  • ‘Apocalypse World Fallout Equestria Game’

Subsections of About Me

GM Profile

This is the same information I use on StartPlaying.Games. But I have it here for reference.


My Introduction to tabletop games happened when D&D 3.5 came out. This big display was at my favorite Borders I visited on my work break. I bought a special edition with the player’s guide, GM guide, and an entire campaign in a box that included maps and tiles you could use to change and expand them.

I learned two things that year. The first was that I naturally gravitated toward a GM role. The second lesson I learned was that I don’t care for the genre of high-fantasy, dungeons, or dragons.

I found other systems for building scenarios in other genres like FATE and sometimes GURPS, but I have recently fallen in love with Powered by the Apocalypse games and am using every excuse to buy them, run them, and play in them.

Helping players navigate these fictional worlds and their challenges is one of my favorite past times, followed second only by joining games as a player myself.

I prefer fictional engagement games to system engagement games which is why PbtA and FATE are my gotos for playing games. However, I also have plenty of love for VtM and WtA.

GM Profile

Hello, welcome to my profile. I have been game mastering since I first got into TTRPGs in ‘03; most of my time with TTRPGs has been spent being a game master.

I started with the release of D&D 3.5. and quickly transitioned to mostly running GURPS as my favorite system since it was more flexible for playing my worlds. However, I have long since moved into preferring games based more on fictional engagement than system engagement.

I prefer to run Fate Core for heavy powers & awesomeness and Powered by the Apocalypse games like Thirsty Sword Lesbians and Monster of the Week for messier and more emotional games. It is unusual to find combat-oriented games at my table as I prefer mystery, thrillers, horror, and politics to any brawler. I adore indie games and am always interested in fun, wacky, and zany one-shots or short campaigns. I always have far more games that I have backed or purchased than I have been able to play.

Outside of games, I am an avid roleplayer and love collaborative storytelling and writing. Navigating fictional worlds and exploring characters and their challenges is one of my favorite past times. I hope you will join me for it!

I use Roll20 as the virtual tabletop and Discord for chat, audio, and video. I prefer “video on,” but I understand and respect when that is not desired. I live in Las Vegas and am also available for in-person games.

Safety tools are essential to me; All games start with Lines & Veils and have the X Card. I also support using Script Change and Open Door, which ensures that someone can leave or take a break for any reason without being judged.

I am a queer & trans woman, and this shapes the worlds I help create with players. While not all games I run are themed around queer liberation, you should expect the normalization of queer, PoC, and differently-abled lifestyles. Themes like sexism, racism, ableism, and various phobias will generally not be included unless villanized.

My Table Rules

I am extremely consent focused both as a game master and a player. I put both the safety and fun of players above any other game rules or consequences of any die roll. To help enable this I set up several safety tools at the table.

Disclaimer: I didn’t invent any of this, I only have my own take on each thing. I stand on the shoulders of giants. For more information on safety tools check out the free TTRPG Safety Toolkit Resource Site.

The X-Card

The X-Card is a callout that allows any player to remove any content from the game on the fly without having to explain or justify themselves. If they want something removed, they tap the card or signal for an X-Card and we move on.

Script Change

For details check out the official resource. But as a summary it has a series of “cards” that anybody can call out to change what is happening? This is similar to the X-Card but makes it clear that everybody at the table is helping write the story and they can change the narrative by pausing for a break, skipping things, slowing it down to savor a really great moment, or take a do-over.

The cards are as follows

  • Pause
  • Fast-Forward
  • Rewind
  • Instant Replay
  • Frame-By-Frame
  • Slow Motion

Script change also brings in the concept of the “Rating System” based on the MPA film rating as a guideline.

My upper limit for most games is Hard R. If the second Matrix movie can have a sex scene, so can we, but let’s cut to the rave during it.

Lines and Veils

Lines and Veils are a safety tool I use in all games that I participate in.

  • A line is something that doesn’t exist in the game world at all. Nobody every thought of it, it never came up, it isn’t even a concept.
  • A veil is something that can still exist in the world, but not in the campaign that we are playing in. It is something that can happen, behind the veil or in the past, but not actively.
  • We usually add the Excited For at the end of this to highlight what people are at the table for, not just what they are not for.

Below are my personal lines and veils, these are the baseline for any game I am in. When I GM I send out an anonymous google form for people to fill out in advance when applicable.

My Lines

  • Child & Animal Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Suicide/Intrusive Thoughts

My Veils

  • Racism
  • Misogyny
  • Ableism
  • Explicit Sex
  • Plague & Disease
  • Drug Abuse/Control with Addictive Substances

I maintain hard out-of-game limits for any player-versus-player conflict; No character can adversely affect another character without their player’s consent.

This includes but is not limited to;

  • You cannot charm or dominate your fellow companion if their character doesn’t agree.
  • You cannot roll persuasion or deception checks against another character expecting the character to behave a certain way when it fails unless the other player is good with it.
  • You cannot fireball your fighter friend no matter how many cultists of Talos they’re surrounded by unless they say “do it”.
  • You cannot steal another character’s stuff unless that character’s player is good with it.
  • You cannot attack another character unless both players are into it.

No Lines, Veils, or Excited For supersedes this rule.