Roll20 & Discord Usage Takeaways

Set up Session Aides in Advance

Add a starting splash page with characters, art, and the agenda for each session. Update this every session

Create a “What’s Happening Now” card for everybody to see.

Add a Lines & Veils Card for everybody to look at at any time. Add a note to this that points out

As a quick reminder, since we just spend time talking about these things, they become front of mind for us; they are now in our heads. They may want to come up unintentionally, so please use caution.

Start with a rollup card listing all the NPCs, or make a card for each one with a small detail about them.

Add a picture of the Character sheet in a scene to point things out to players during setup and training.

Audio Visual

  • Audio on discord
  • video on Roll20 to keep eyes there
  • text chat and OOC in roll20 to keep eyes there

I also like to keep game chat in roll 20 with image dumps in discord tabletop-chat

Discord Setup

  • Set up a read-me with locked Gaming Code of Conduct
  • Make a dedicated space for game announcements
  • A group with the audio lobby and game-table chat
  • Consider a memes dump space
  • Turn up Audio quality on Game Chat

Help Players with Roll20 & Discord

  • Go over double click Roll20 header to minimize and expand
  • Explain how to change icon size at the bottom
  • Show players how to change Roll20 A/V settings
  • Show players how to change individual people’s Discord Audio
  • Have players change Roll20/Discord display name to Char name and pronouns

Discord Configuration for a Meeting Room

Online Etiquette

Be aware of how much space somebody is taking up.

When you are n a call, whoever talking is taking up all the space, talking over is hard. You can’t have side talk.

Use Roll20 for general and side chats.

Have a plan for “No, you go first” moments

  • The nose goes for it
  • GM picks

Set aside chat time before and after